Issues with Profiles on a Server

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by paul.trotter, Jun 18, 2004.

  1. paul.trotter

    paul.trotter Guest

    Hi. We have a large number of AutoCAD users who start the AutoCAD icon which has a target set go to our server and load the appropriate profile. The problem is when the server goes down and a user tries to launch AutoCAD. Obviously it can't find the profile and the user loses all their menus. This is a real time consuming headache to reload everyone’s profile. Does anyone know of a way that we can still host the profiles out on our server but yet prevent problems when the server goes down? Is there a way the profile can be copied locally when the user launches AutoCAD? Thanks –Paul
    paul.trotter, Jun 18, 2004
  2. paul.trotter

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Paul

    How about a simple batch file:

    rem copy UserProfile.arg if exist...
    if exist X:\User\UserProfile.arg copy X:\User\UserProfile.arg C:\UserArg
    rem Lauch AutoCAD with local UserProfile.arg
    start /d "C:\Program Files\Acad2005" acad.exe /P C:\UserArg\UserProfile.arg

    Jürg Menzi, Jun 18, 2004
  3. I've set up clients with multiple icons on the desktop. 1 points to profiles
    and folders on the server and 1 points to a profile and folders locally. Of
    course, if the project drawings are on the server and the server goes down,
    then the project drawings are still inaccessible. I found that it was
    substantially cheaper for a company to have a decent server system that
    rarely if ever went down. It does take many "server downs" and the lost
    productivity to pay for a cheap backup server.
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jun 19, 2004
  4. paul.trotter

    ECCAD Guest

    Is there a way the profile can be copied locally when the user launches AutoCAD?<<
    Not when the 'server' is down..
    Maybe a VB program to replace the Acad Icon..
    Ping server, if up, launch Acad with served profile..
    If down, launch Acad with 'local' default profile..
    Only other thing, if drawings are on cannot
    get there from here.

    ECCAD, Jun 19, 2004
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