issue w/ publish

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mike Brester, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    Have others been experiencing a line merge problem when you use the publish
    command? Basically if you have some screens or something in your file and
    they are sitting on top of some lines it completely overwrites them. If I
    were to go into my dwg file and manually set my draworder things would print
    the way I need tthem to. I can go through and send my file directly to my
    Oce and the lines are merged correctly. I am able to set the line merge
    feature for my OCE but I don't see a setting for the publish command. Anyone
    have any advice?

    Mike Brester
    Cad Support Technician

    MulvannyG2 Architecture
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    Bellevue, Washington 98004

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    Celebrating 32 years of DESIGN AT WORK
    Bellevue, Wa | Portland, Or | Irvine, Ca | Washington DC | Shanghai,
    Mike Brester, Jun 30, 2003
  2. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    Sorry I guess I assumed to much. WE are using ACAD 2004. Trying to use the
    Publish routine to create DWF files. You will notice that the line merge
    does not work when you leave it to create a multiple sheet dwf. Now I can
    force it by telling it to use the plotter specified in my page setup but I
    should not have to do that.
    Mike Brester, Jun 30, 2003
  3. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    Yes we are talking about DWF files. When I need to plot I do print straight
    to the OCE.
    The Scenario is that I want to send my entire contruction set to a
    consultant. He can then either jsut view them on his screen or print them
    out if he needs to. But when he prints them out the line merge is not
    You can only view DWF files created in 2004 with Express Viewer. To my
    knowledge and through the testing I have done Express Viewer will plot
    rather nicely if your DWF files are created correctly.
    Also from what I have seen you can not tell Publish what driver to use when
    creating a multi sheet DWF. It uses what has been hardcoded.
    Compared to Publish Batch Plot blows something serious.
    Mike Brester, Jul 1, 2003
  4. This is exactly the model that Autodesk is pushing for. You distribute then
    print instead of print then distribute. You are doing the right thing. Now
    if we could just get Publish to honor merge control some way, we'd be
    Scott Sheppard, Jul 1, 2003
  5. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    You should not have to go through the drawing and set your draw order for
    every line. I don't have to do that right now when I print normally to my
    OCE device.
    I know Line Merge is an option with HPGL2 drivers. The issue is that you can
    not get to the drivers to set line merge for the PUblish command.
    Mike Brester, Jul 1, 2003
  6. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    I am aware of all this. I was just wondering if other had been experiencing
    the same issues and if others either knew of a work around or if this is
    being addressed in SP1?
    Mike Brester, Jul 3, 2003
  7. Mike Brester

    Mike Brester Guest

    Am already signed up. Just waiting to get the beta.
    Mike Brester, Jul 3, 2003
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