is this the right place

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rudyard Kipling, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. ..... to find someone to make some drawings for me ?
    Rudyard Kipling, Jan 28, 2006
  2. Rudyard Kipling

    longshot Guest

    sure, what do you need & how much do you want to pay?
    longshot, Jan 29, 2006
  3. You can find some competent people here, as well as the other kind, but the
    point of the group is for people using the application to share knowledge
    and ask questions.
    BTW, I though you were dead.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 29, 2006
  4. Well, actually I am looking for someone who can make me a couple of 2D
    AutoCad drawings of
    the section of some extrusion profiles.
    Just that. Only 2 sections.

    I made reasonable clear sketches. Now i need someone to make 2 nice 2D
    drawing files.
    Both extrusion profiles are about 60 mm on 10 mm, hollow, 0.6 mm wall
    The whole profile consist of curves, almost no straight lines.
    I expect that a lot of tuning will be required.

    a reasonable price, not too much

    What's the normal rate ?

    Mail me for further info
    Rudyard Kipling, Jan 29, 2006
  5. Rudyard Kipling

    uNkulunkulu Guest

    It is possible provided you use PayPal
    uNkulunkulu, Jan 29, 2006
  6. Rudyard Kipling

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Why don't you just look up "Drafting Services" in your local Yellow Pages,
    and start dialing?
    Paul Turvill, Jan 29, 2006

  7. what a wonderfull idea !

    But my Yellow Pages are so very local ...
    almost no competition to push the creativity to higher levels...

    While in China, there are billions of well trained AutoCad Engineers
    waithing, who like to do the job with 500 % more enthousiasm ?

    How can i reach them ?
    Rudyard Kipling, Jan 30, 2006
  8. Rudyard Kipling

    Ian A. White Guest

    Don't you mean no competition push rates through the floor
    and for a fraction of what you would have to pay anywhere else.
    Ian A. White, Jan 30, 2006
  9. Rudyard Kipling

    Paul Turvill Guest

    And with that attitude, you're unlikely to get much more help here. Many of
    the folks who hang out here are hard-working "new world" residents trying to
    make a decent living doing what we do well.

    This is definitely NOT "the right place" to be looking for slave labor.
    Perhaps you should move to China.
    Paul Turvill, Jan 30, 2006
  10. Why you start using words like "slave labour" ?
    I was asking for a "reasonable" compensation, remember ?
    I am even prepared to pay more than average (but maybe not the average of
    the "new world")

    I am in China most of the time.
    Most people are happy there.
    Maybe you should try that too ?
    Rudyard Kipling, Jan 30, 2006
  11. Let's see, who does one contact people in a country that one frequents?

    Newsgroups of course.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 30, 2006
  12. Rudyard Kipling

    sw Guest

    am interested.. please reply to sender
    sw, Feb 15, 2006
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