Is there any tools to create pcell?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tech11, Dec 23, 2005.

  1. tech11

    tech11 Guest

    Just as I know, there's two ways to create pcell, one is doing it by
    graphics interface bedded into OPUS window, the other is writing in skill
    and you'll get it easy when using ROD. Is there any tools to create pcell?
    It's so difficult to write pcell to me. Wish having one powerful tool to
    help me.

    Have a good day!

    Best Regards,

    tech11, Dec 23, 2005
  2. Have a look at

    1. The Docs 'Sample Parameterized Cells Installation and Reference'

    2. your_install_dir/tools/dfII/samples/ROD/rodPcells

    This might help you.

    Bernd Fischer, Dec 23, 2005
  3. tech11

    Jimka Guest

    hey you should contact VCAD ( or )
    about EPM which is a system which is a system for managing the creation
    of PCell libraries. It allows you to derive one pcell from another...
    so the first one can still be diffficult depending on how complicated
    or how many features it needs to have, but the ones after that become
    very easy.
    Jimka, Dec 24, 2005
  4. tech11

    vdvalk Guest

    I for one, would love to see an openSource generic Pcell set that could
    be used as a template.

    I would like to see pCells that call the ROD contact functios for the
    ends ...

    -- Gerry
    vdvalk, Jan 1, 2006
  5. tech11

    Jimka Guest

    Why would they need to be open source? The VCAD pcells are quite
    powerful and versatile and extremely customizalbe even without out
    being open source. You should check them out.

    contact or for more information
    if you'd like any.
    Jimka, Jan 1, 2006
  6. tech11

    Jimka Guest

    that would be jens at or manfred at
    Jimka, Jan 1, 2006
  7. tech11

    Jimka Guest

    No, not GTE, i'm refering to a system called EPM which is a highly
    oriented, and powerful SKILL library that helps you create cell
    It eases the pain of porting libraries to various technolgies.
    It provides a declarative multiple inheritance mechanism to specify
    hierarchical defintion allowing you build PCells on top of other
    flexible API that allows consistent creation of CDF including
    parseAsNumber, parseAsList, parseAsFunction, parseAsAssoc (single
    and multi
    dimensional arrays), max, min, grid, unit scaling,
    CDF self-correcting callbacks
    CDF back-annotation interface
    simulation information and simulation cellview creation,
    symbol information,
    inherited connections,
    strong/weak/must connect interface
    rod stretch callbacks,
    interfaces to external SKILL utilities,
    context sensitive pop-up menus on pcell instances
    persistent PCell featues (so your SKILL code can change and your design
    Virtual Technology Rules interface which allows PCells either to
    subscribe to technogy
    rules or declare exceptions,
    easy to configure MOS MOScap, capacitors, resistors, diodes, npns,
    drc-correct cuttable
    guardrings, space-filling capacitors/well/tap-generators.
    method/generic-function based PCell SKILL bodies allowing you to
    runtime functionality without having to modify core SKILL code.
    multi-digitating MOS devices,
    smart auto abutment (PCells examine their environment and decide how to
    powerful extensible additional layer concept to create, modify,
    stretch, delete
    other shapes.
    contact generator including, justified, distributed, symmetric, or
    interlaced contacts.
    buillt-in testability including UnitTesting framework,
    monte-carlo parameter testing
    abutment scenerio generation
    automatic documentation generation
    and much more.

    Sound interesting?

    If you'd like to find out more or see a demo, contact jens at cadence
    dot com
    or manfred at cadence dot com.

    Jimka, Jan 5, 2006
  8. tech11

    Jimka Guest

    i see, well EPM is also used to help integrate new pcells
    into existing design kits. of course this cannot be seemless if the
    originial disign kits are written in a programmer hostile way,
    such as if the CDF callbacks hard code cell names or library
    names in them or if they are not callable in batch mode.

    for example adding a pcell to an existing cell means merging in
    new cdf information into existing cdf, one thing which EPM does
    quite well.

    It also allows encapsulation/cocooning of non epm pcells. i.e., you
    build epm pcells on top of existing pcells, to create additional
    layers, or add abutment, or change or delete existing shapes.

    it can also be used to add persistence to the exisiting pcells.
    for example, what happens to a design when you change the
    PCell code? You don't have to have a fab to be faced with the
    problem of wanting to update a base of SKILL code but are
    unable to because you want existing designs to be uneffected,
    or the validated parts of the design to be uneffected, but the
    under-development parts to see the lastest code.

    Jimka, Jan 6, 2006
  9. tech11

    vdvalk Guest

    EPM sounds great ... but I have not yet been able to get Cadence to
    talk about it.

    If you are a big customer that sends money to cadence for extra
    enginerring support, then they might talk.
    vdvalk, Jan 16, 2006
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