Is there a way to import parameters into an existing model?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pete, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. Pete

    Pete Guest

    I have a set of new parameters I would like to use.

    Is there a way to import these into existing parts?
    Pete, Jan 22, 2004
  2. Pete

    David Janes Guest

    : I have a set of new parameters I would like to use.
    : Is there a way to import these into existing parts?

    Two days ago, jlsoon asked the same question. And there are no really satisfactory
    answers. I was hoping someone had some experience with Pro/MODELCHECK and could
    relate that experience. From what I understand about it, if you have parameters
    you wish every model to have, it checks to see whether parts/assemblies/drawings
    have them then adds them if they don't. It's all in how it is set up. Like most
    efficiency features in Pro/e, it is heavy on the front end, letting you make up
    for the heavy investment in time, money and effort as the months and years roll
    on. I was hoping someone would say whether the effort was worth it. AND whether it
    solved this problem of adding new parameters to old parts.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jan 22, 2004
  3. I've asked this question in the past, and the best answer I received was to
    make a mapkey that inserts the paramaters you need.
    Hendrik van Dorp, Jan 22, 2004
  4. Pete

    RonT Guest

    ModelCHECK can indeed be used for this purpose. You can configure it to
    check that a parameter exists, that it is the correct type (integer, string,
    etc.), that it is designated (if that is what you want), whether or not the
    value can be NULL and check the format of the value (a specific number of
    characters, all numbers, all characters, etc.). If the parameter does not
    exist, you can have ModelCHECK create the parameter and you can assign
    values at the same time.

    As David mentioned, there is a lot of up front work in getting ModelCHECK
    configured. Of course, this check is only one of hundreds that can be
    configured. Is it worth it? I think so. It is a great tool to ensure
    consistency across your Pro/E models.

    By the way, the current method of configuring ModelCHECK involves editing a
    number of text files manually. I understand (although I have not seen it
    yet) that there is a new user interface for configuring ModelCHECK in
    Wildfire 2. If this is done right, it should make it much easier to
    configure and maintain.

    If you are interested, I gave a presentation on ModelCHECK in Wildfire at
    the annual conference of the Colorado Pro/E User Group last November. You
    can find the presentation (along with the others that were given) in PDF
    format at

    RonT, Jan 22, 2004
  5. Pete

    David Janes Guest

    : ModelCHECK can indeed be used for this purpose. You can configure it to
    : check that a parameter exists, that it is the correct type (integer, string,
    : etc.), that it is designated (if that is what you want), whether or not the
    : value can be NULL and check the format of the value (a specific number of
    : characters, all numbers, all characters, etc.). If the parameter does not
    : exist, you can have ModelCHECK create the parameter and you can assign
    : values at the same time.
    : As David mentioned, there is a lot of up front work in getting ModelCHECK
    : configured. Of course, this check is only one of hundreds that can be
    : configured. Is it worth it? I think so. It is a great tool to ensure
    : consistency across your Pro/E models.
    : By the way, the current method of configuring ModelCHECK involves editing a
    : number of text files manually. I understand (although I have not seen it
    : yet) that there is a new user interface for configuring ModelCHECK in
    : Wildfire 2. If this is done right, it should make it much easier to
    : configure and maintain.
    : If you are interested, I gave a presentation on ModelCHECK in Wildfire at
    : the annual conference of the Colorado Pro/E User Group last November. You
    : can find the presentation (along with the others that were given) in PDF
    : format at
    : Ron
    Yes, we're interested. Very good news! Thanks for the info. Will look out for
    improved interface in WFII.

    David Janes, Jan 23, 2004
  6. Pete

    Dammerl Guest

    There is a way to do this through relations, but I am not sure anymore
    how this works. If I recall correctly you create a relation in your
    part. Within the relation's UI you either can import parameters (search
    its menus) or you export the relation, modify it with an external
    program to include your parameters and bring it back. As I said, this
    works somewho, but you have to fuzz around a bit to figure it out.

    Dammerl, Jan 23, 2004
  7. Here is the deal. The problem with parameters is to check weather they
    already exist! If you are SURE they don't already exist in the
    parts/assemblies the problem is quite easy. If you don't, it's a bit more
    difficult and require a bit of programming.

    I assume you are sure the parameters don't exits already. Then create a
    mapkey (for instance "NewParams") and record the creation of the parameters.
    You can also add a button to the menu bar for future usage... Save the file and check it with a text editor to see the mapkey looks
    right. Then install the Spekan/Innotiv batch utility
    (they have other nice tools too).

    Then run it , select the files to operate the mapkey on, and that's it!

    Gerard van de Schoot, Jan 23, 2004
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