Is there a function or a method to extract a variable's name into a string

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by A.r.a.k.h.N.i.d.e.F, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. I'm trying to come up with a function to help me while I write other lisp
    programs that will plot variables that are points into
    autocad with nodes and text stating what variable it is, currently I'm
    using a foreach function and assigning a number to each point that is
    plotted, since I know the order of which I assigned the variables into
    the list I know which number resembles what variable. But if I had a way
    to extract
    the variable name into a variable itself, it would make this little
    utility much nicer.

    Here is what I'm using now

    (setq counter 0)
    (foreach f (list ;|Enter points|; ) ;enter points
    (command "point" f)
    (setq counter (+ counter 1))
    (command ".text" f "" counter "")

    Also are there any other AutoLISP editors out there that might be better
    than the one that comes with Acad 2002?

    A.r.a.k.h.N.i.d.e.F, Jan 11, 2004
  2. A.r.a.k.h.N.i.d.e.F

    bestafor Guest

    If I understand you, you want to plot a X,Y,Z point with a number and a
    If that is the case there are a number of civil programs, many for free,
    that will do
    just that. Search for a point importer. It will read a
    file and place
    the points at the appropriate location. If you can't find it let me know
    and I will send
    it to you in a email.
    bestafor, Jan 12, 2004
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