Is something wrong during the installation of SE?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Echo, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. Echo

    Echo Guest

    When I load CBDA library in the technology Editor of Abstract
    generater,it has some error:
    warning:cannot find the default DRF file
    warning:cannot find /home1/opus/aa/zhr/test/etc/tools/graphic
    directory to load environment variables.
    warning: cannot find /home1/opus/aa/zhr/test/bin/cdsd ,etc/cdsd or bin
    warning: the local cdsd is not running and cannot be restart.
    The /home1/opus/aa is the running directory and the
    share/cdssetup/dfII/default.drf is only in the setup directory! and
    /home1/opus/aa/zhr/test/ is my CBDA library location,It hasnot either
    of the etc and bin directory.
    Is any error made during the installation of the Abstract generater
    (SE)? How to repair it?
    Echo, Jan 3, 2004
  2. Echo

    B.K. Guest

    It looks like, you have several problems here.

    1. default.drf
    When you display a layout, each layer is defined in the technology
    library and the way it is displayed is represented in the display file.
    The default name is display.drf, usually in your startup (current
    You are missing that file in your current directory.

    2. cdsd
    That is the file locking mechanism in cadence. It needs to run at the
    machine, where you start your DFII from. It looks like, that your
    installation is either incomplete or your PATH environment variable is
    setup incorrectly. The PATH variable (UNIX) should at least include
    <_your_path_to_the_cadence_installation>/tools/bin and
    The cdsd gets started automatically, when you invoke DFII in your
    machine, but it needs to find it in the PATH environment variable.

    My guess is, you don't have your environment variables setup
    correctly. Have a look at the installation and setup manual.

    P.S. I have not used the Abstract Generator in SE, but it is helpful
    to know, what versions you are running SE and DFII.
    Help can be more specific as the cdsd mechanism has changed over the
    B.K., Jan 10, 2004
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