Is Something Different in 2008?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. James

    James Guest

    I have just started using 2008 but I seem to remember that in older
    versions when I scale a dimension using the scale command that the
    text and arrows would scale proportionally. With this version, when I
    use the scale command on a dimension the text and arrows remain at the
    size specified by the dimscale setting that was active when I created
    the dimension. Is this how its always been? Does anyone know of a
    system var setting to make the text and arrows scale with a


    James, Oct 23, 2007
  2. James

    rriggs Guest

    You should change your scale factor using the fit property of the
    dimension, to make it behave like you are used to, even though there
    are new features to make better use of scaling in the 2008 software.
    Look up annotation scale in the help file, to take advantage of it.
    rriggs, Oct 25, 2007
  3. James

    rriggs Guest


    Obsolete, use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE instead. DIMFIT is replaced by
    DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE. However, if DIMFIT is set to 0 - 3, then
    DIMATFIT is also set to 0 - 3 and DIMTMOVE is set to 0. If DIMFIT is
    set to 4 or 5, then DIMATFIT is set to 3 and DIMTMOVE is set to 1 or 2
    rriggs, Oct 25, 2007
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