Is Pentium M suitable for Pro/E?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by John, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I am wondering if Pentium M based laptop is suitable for Pro/E (WF2) application.

    Additional comment and thought is greatly appreciated.
    John, Oct 29, 2004
  2. John

    Jarocki Guest

    If you want Intel take Intel Centrino Technology - good power and lower
    battery "consumption" !

    Intel M is OK but I recommend you buying AMD Athlon 64 - powerfull and cheap
    ; buy at least 1 GB of RAM !

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards,
    J. Jarocki
    Jarocki, Oct 30, 2004
  3. John

    Pete Guest

    As long as the processor is of reasonable speed (and probably not a
    Celeron), it should handle ProE with no trouble.

    I would pay more attention to RAM, the graphics card, and OS. 512MB
    is the minimum (probably the bare minimum) for acceptable performance
    and 1GB desirable. Also, beware the ATI Radeon graphics card. It is
    virtually the only thing Dell offers in the Inspiron line, except in
    the lower range, and spells death to ProE. I have tried almost every
    hack available to make these cards work well with ProE, but have had
    little success. Get ready for complete, power-down system lock-ups
    when opening more than 4 or 5 parts simultaneously. Also, these
    laptops are going to come standard with XP Home, when XP Pro is best.
    A better choice is the GEForce graphic card, found on most Latitude
    and Precision M60 laptops.

    Pete, Oct 30, 2004
  4. John

    John Guest

    Thank you for your advice and help.

    In the contrary, 17" AMD 64 laptop is more expensive than Pentium M at
    least for this particular case due to 15% rebate at Dell. It starts
    around $2500 min and go up to $3000+ with similar configuration.
    While Pentium M and P4 will run about $2200 max. I also try other 17"
    manufacture such as Sony and Toshiba, their price usually in the $2700
    is out of my range.

    I hope that Dell will offer Nvidia card later on next year. If they
    do, I may have a chance to upgrade then. I do a little research and
    believe that many Inspiron owners have been able to upgrade their
    display adapter from ATI to Nvidia in the past. In the worst case
    scenario where Dell doesn't offer any Nvidia card, I will purchase one
    from M60 and try to put it in my laptop. If it doesn't work, I am
    still able to return the product. The OS and RAM is not a problem.
    Since it's easy enough to increase the RAM and install XP Prof.

    By the way, I've drop ATI techsupport a line about my findings and
    waiting for their response. Let's wait and see what their response
    will be.
    John, Nov 1, 2004
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