Is it SW07 sp2 or is it me?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Eddy Hicks, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Maybe I'm just having a bitch of a day but has anyone else noticed with sp2
    that when zoomed into a sketch you lose the middle mouse button rotate?
    Zoom out with the wheel past a certain point and the functionality is
    restored. If you are not in a sketch the rotate function works fine but
    enter a sketch and zoom up past a certain point and no-rotato (or do you say
    rotatoe?) :)

    I did not see this behavior '07 <sp2. If this is a new feature what the

    I did a quick search in this group and didn't see any references to the
    problem. Anyone?


    - Eddy Hicks
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 1, 2006
  2. Eddy Hicks

    matt Guest

    Sounds like a common mouse driver problem. Depending on your mouse
    driver, zooming in activates the mmb to control scroll bars instead of
    rotate. I think you have to assign the mmb to act as either an mmb or a
    wheel. 2007sp2 works properly for me here in that respect.
    matt, Dec 1, 2006
  3. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    So zoomed into a "sketch" your mmb properly rotates? I have to ask again
    because my mouse driver hasn't changed and I did double check my settings;
    mmb set to middle button function (it was a good suggestion to check

    In sp1 it worked properly, in sp2 it stops rotating if zoomed in, but only
    in a sketch. No changes to mouse driver or video driver, etc. (the usual
    suspects all have alibis)

    My "Hmmm" continues...

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 1, 2006
  4. Mine still rotates the same, but I can't lock onto a vertex to use as a
    rotation point. But I don't think that has ever been available.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  5. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    I know I might be beating a dead horse here but please edit a sketch and
    zoom way in and try rotating. Nothing on my machine has changed except
    updating to sp2. It's very repeatable here.

    Thanks much folks,

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 1, 2006
  6. Eddy Hicks

    matt Guest

    Try the mouse thing. Really.

    When you update a service pack, Windows sees it as a new application.
    Your mouse driver settings can turn off the functionality for a specific
    executable, and in a sp, that executable may have been updated or

    What you describe is *exactly* the symptom of a mouse driver that
    changes the wheel to control the scroll bars once they are activated. If
    you try this with something outside of the sketch (like a solid, or an
    assembly) you will likely find that it does the same thing.
    matt, Dec 1, 2006
  7. That's what I tried to do. I opened a part, edited a sketch, put in another
    line to play with, made it .0001" long, zoomed way in until it mostly filled
    the screen, then pushed my scroll wheel button and rotated the view. It
    rotated, but the line flew out of sight. Am I missing something here?


    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 1, 2006
  8. Eddy Hicks

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry Eddie I can't confirm either. It works for me zoomed WAY in.


    Muggs, Dec 1, 2006
  9. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Ok guys, thanks for confirming that it isn't sp2! I also had the
    opportunity at my var yesterday to confirm that firsthand (thanks Scott). I
    did triple check the mouse thing for sure Matt but it may be worth
    reinstalling the mouse driver just in case. There's a ghost in the machine
    somewhere. Knowing that it isn't categorically sp2 then I will update my
    other machines and we'll see what happens.

    Thanks again all!

    - Eddy

    Eddy Hicks, Dec 2, 2006
  10. Eddy Hicks

    matt Guest

    This problem has existed since at least sw98. There are two fixes,
    either add SW to the list of apps for which the special mmb/wheel
    functions are disabled in the mouse driver or uninstall the oem driver
    and use the default windows driver. It looks like it can happen with
    Intellipoint drivers or Logitech drivers.

    Here are some references to the same problem:
    matt, Dec 2, 2006
  11. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Looks like we're both beating dead horses. I appreciate your time with the
    links and trying to help. I've went through the links and I've lived
    through the prior mouse issues dating back to, as you mention, at least
    ver98. And just to make sure I went ahead and removed the 3rd party
    (Logitech) wireless mouse drivers, rebooted, cleaned out the leftovers, etc.
    Result: same problem with the generic MS drivers. Open part, edit a feature
    sketch, zoom in with wheel and no rotate function. FWIW, when I do depress
    the wheel down to rotate the view, SW does highlight a nearby surface or
    edge, like it wants to rotate, but moving the mouse does nothing. Zoom out
    a few clicks of the wheel and rotate functions normally again. I don't know
    what is causing this, but I know what not's causing it.

    Thanks again, I'll keep digging.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 3, 2006
  12. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Ok, I went into SW config and reset all back to factory defaults. Mouse
    works normally again. Since I didn't change any config settings between
    sp1 and sp2 I have to believe there is something new in there that got
    toggled. I'm still digging and I'll report what I find. There has got
    to be a setting that controls zoom level rotate. Perhaps it's
    undocumented but at least I'm not nuts. At least not about this. :)

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 3, 2006
  13. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Matt, Muggs, Wayne, please indulge me...

    Using sp2, please enter config options and disable and enable "single
    command per pick" and test the zoom level rotate again. let me know
    what you find. Thanks!

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 3, 2006
  14. Eddy Hicks

    Muggs Guest

    Hello Eddy,

    First of all I didn't realize that I needed to be editing sketch of a
    FEATURE. Sorry!
    I always have "single command per pick" enabled, so I went back and
    reread your other posts.

    OK here's the deal: With the "single command per pick" option enabled
    (check box checked) I get the same non functioning MMB that you
    describe. But when I uncheck "single command per pick" all works as it
    should eg. I am able to rotate while zoomed in.

    Muggs, Dec 3, 2006
  15. Eddy Hicks

    matt Guest

    Ok, sorry for hounding you, you've got something here which is different
    from the mouse driver problem, although the symptoms are very similar.

    using 07sp2 zoomed into a sketch with "single command per pick" turned
    on disables mmb rotation. zooming out reenables mmb rotate. it doesn't
    seem to be connected to the scroll bars, there is a slight window where
    the scroll bars are active and it still rotates normally.

    Good catch.

    Maybe you can charge your VAR for finding the problem.
    matt, Dec 3, 2006
  16. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    No problem. I'll cancel the therapy I was going to order for being nuts.
    Thank you guys for spending the time!!

    Eddy Hicks
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 3, 2006
  17. Yup, same thing here. I don't ever have that setting on so that's why I
    haven't seen it. Sure sounds like a bug to me. Good job.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 4, 2006

  18. I got down to here in the thread before I realized that I had actually seen
    this problem. Thanks for finding out that "single command per pick" is at
    the root of it.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 4, 2006
  19. Eddy Hicks

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    After submitting, this response came back...

    " This issue is already been reported to the Development team as SPR #
    350038 "Cannot rotate sketch while editing if it is not entirely within the
    graphics area when 'Single command per pick' option is checked." "

    Thanks again all,

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Dec 8, 2006
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