Is it possible to simulate hexagon shaft rotation in Pro/E?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by njchen24, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    I would like to simulate the rotation of an hexagon
    shaft (with a minimal outside xsection dimension) inside an hexagon
    housing (with a maximal inside xsection dimension) and get the angle
    value the moment the shaft sharp edge touching one of the housing flat
    edge. Can this be simulated on either Pro/E or Pro/Mechanica? If so,
    how would you do this?

    Any suggestion and help would be greatly appreciated.
    njchen24, Mar 5, 2005
  2. njchen24

    David Janes Guest

    It can be simulated with Mechanism Design, the current incarnation of the old
    Mechanica Motion. If you have this option, you can do the following:

    * In assembly mode, place your external hub. Fix this in position with a csys to
    csys alignment.
    * Assemble the running shaft, but don't use the standard assembly constraints;
    select the page that says Connections. (Your hex geometry will have to have an
    axis through the middle to use this function.)
    * In Connections, align the axes of the two parts, then pick on a plane or other
    limiter of lateral movement. You should be able to drag spin your "shaft" part.
    * Now you are ready to go into Mechanism Design. Pick 'Applications>Mechanism'. To
    make your mechanism move, it needs motive power, something to drive it. Look for
    an icon that says Motors.
    * When you've applied a motor, run an analysis, then do a playback, but with
    global interference set so that it highlights/stops when the inside point hits the
    outside flat. This will, of course, be at 30 degrees, half the 60 of the a hex

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 7, 2005
  3. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    Thank you so much for your help.

    I follow your instruction up to the Applications > Mechanism. There
    are 3 icons "Drag an Assembled Component", "Define Servo Motor" and
    "Define Force Motor". By trial and error, I finally pick the "Define
    Servo Motor", #Type "Joint Axis", #Select "Connection_1.axis_1, #Motion
    type is set to Rotation (in degrees) by default, #Profile "Position"
    "deg", #Magnitude "Ramp", #A = 1, #B=10, #Run the analysis - The inside
    shaft rotate then stop, #Playback, #Result Set "Default",
    #Interference, #Global Interference, #Options, #Include Quilts, #Stop
    Playback, #Play Current Set, #Play - The shaft rotate then stop at
    interference. Now, how can I get the angle value when the Outside
    Shaft edge touching the inside Housing flat edge causing the playback
    to stop?
    For your information the shaft measures 0.436 across its flat edge and
    the inside housing measure 0.45 across its flat edges and I am using
    WF1 build 2003400 with Pro/Mechanica Release level 248 (824) date code
    njchen24, Mar 7, 2005
  4. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    Never mind. I find a very simple way of doing this. Just assemble the
    two part together using the standard constraint axis align, colinear
    plane, make a constraint "edge on surface" between the outer edge shaft
    with the inner flat edge housing. Finally, measure the angle between
    the mating plane to get the exact value.

    Thanks for your time and help.
    njchen24, Mar 8, 2005
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