Is it possible to search a group of SW drawings for a string of text in a note?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I need to go through several thousand drawings to see which drawings
    have a note with text containing "ETCH". Is this possible without
    creating a macro to do this?
    SW Monkey, Feb 6, 2007
  2. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    SW explorer ( 2007 with SW 2007 ) does this just using the search
    funtion. I get results for items that appear only in the notes fields. Not
    sure of other versions.
    Brian, Feb 6, 2007
  3. It's possible. Use something that searches text strings inside
    files. I do it often.
    I've also used a hex editor to change text before, but I'll admit
    that's risky. (It worked perfectly though)

    I highly recommend the file search tool called Agent Ransack. It's
    faster than anything I've seen, and has the ability to save search
    to text files, which will allow you to create a list to know what
    drawings contain the word "ETCH".

    Get Agent Ransack here, it's free:

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Feb 6, 2007
  4. Correction, I've used the replace text string to change drawing notes,
    and it worked perfectly.
    My memory failed me for a short time...

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Feb 6, 2007
  5. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Thanks for the replies.

    I am not using SW 2007 yet, so I cant test the functionality in SW

    Ill check that software out, thanks :)
    SW Monkey, Feb 7, 2007
  6. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest


    Agent Ransack finds "ETCH" in my drawing files, but it also finds
    "SkETCH". Any ideas how I can narrow my search to just "ETCH"?
    SW Monkey, Feb 8, 2007
  7. SW Monkey

    Jean Marc Guest

    Is it possible to search for ................................" ETCH "?
    Jean Marc, Feb 8, 2007
  8. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Nope, its not possible to search for "etch". In fact, I tried
    "Sketch" and it doest find anything. I guess its looking for the
    quotes also, unlike doing a search query in google.
    SW Monkey, Feb 8, 2007
  9. That's one that'll require more research for me to answer...

    In the help file there are logic functions that you can apply to file
    name character strings, but I'm not sure if those same
    logic functions can apply to the search for text strings.

    Also, looking briefly at those logic functions I don't see one that
    immediately jumps out as a "NOT" function or a way to create a
    "this, but not that" type of function.
    I'm no logic function expert though...

    One thing you could try is searching your drives for *.slddrw and in
    the text string box key in ^ETCH

    --Matt Schroeder
    Matt Schroeder, Feb 8, 2007
  10. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    I realize you stated that you were not yet on 2007. However, the
    searching that I did with SW explorer was with the stand alone application.
    It 'should' work just fine on files from earlier versions of SW. Installing
    it should also not screw up any files ( especially if you're simply
    searching file locations for future reference ).
    Brian, Feb 8, 2007
  11. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I had SW 2007 installed on a test machine, since we plan on upgrading
    within the next month. We have an IT department that handles this,
    and they didnt install Windows Desktop Search. It looks like SW
    Explorer 2007 uses this, and its required to search local files. Our
    IT department chose not to install WDS because it integrates into the
    OS and can effect other programs. This leads me to my question.
    Since it uses WDS, how does it search inside of SW files? I tried
    using this hack, but it didnt work.

    My next step is to convince IT to let me install WDS.
    SW Monkey, Feb 9, 2007
  12. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    I didn't realize it was using windows desktop search engine. During my
    initial install of 2007 I told SW to NOT install it, which the install
    program promptly disregarded. I then removed it after the installation
    completed. Now, after a couple service packs, like a case of herpes, its

    An option you might try. Is to use an unimportant computer to search
    for you. Like your 4 year old laptop or whatever. Install desktop search
    and SW explorer on it, and allow it to index everything so you can search.
    If it hoses your OS on it.... who cares? Just a quick re-install when you
    are done. Or image the drive before hand and restore it after.
    Brian, Feb 9, 2007
  13. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest


    I was unable to get SW Explorer 2007 to search for notes. I called my
    VAR, and they said the only notes that you can search for is custom

    Any ideas?
    SW Monkey, Feb 16, 2007
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