Is it possible to override rpt.index and rpt.qty in repeat region table?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Frank, Aug 14, 2005.

  1. Frank

    Frank Guest


    I have a repeat region table with bulk items similar to this

    ---------------- CURRENTLY ----------------------------------
    Item Description P/N QTY
    1 Primer, Zinc Yellow MIL-P-2-1 AR
    2 Primer, Zinc Green MIL-P-2-2 AR

    and would like to make item #2 and QTY in the second row
    as 1 and ALT instead

    ---------------- DESIRED -----------------------------------
    Item Description P/N QTY
    1 Primer, Zinc Yellow MIL-P-2-1 AR
    1 Primer, Zinc Green MIL-P-2-2 ALT

    Is it possible to override the rpt.index and rpt.qty in the 2nd row to
    an user define value? If not, how would you do this?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Frank, Aug 14, 2005
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