Is it possible to have 1 PC3 for 2 ACAD versions

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by architech, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. architech

    architech Guest

    I have AutoCAD 2002 & now AutoCAD 2005 on my machine.
    We have all our machines pointing to one directory for support files. This is a mechanism in place for " standardizing & centralizing" .

    Anyway ...
    all of our PC3 file were made for 2002.
    Now I have 2005 but the PC3 file I use for my Xerox Plotter doesn't work.

    Do I have to make a new PC3 file with different name?
    [ Xreox-2002.PC3 & Xerox-2005.PC3]

    Or is there a way to make one PC3 file work for both?

    On another forum, someone said that ONE "PC3" file is enough I just have to use the migration tools. But this creates 2 files.

    Can someone clarify this....?
    Thanks in advance.

    By the way ....
    The big deal is .... we have 5 plotters .... 15 laser printers ... all the raster printers out there too.

    So this means a lot of printers (PC3) would be on the list to choose from .... I'd like NOT to double my list since it's pretty full, now.
    architech, Nov 4, 2004
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