Is it possible to create pin for each inst terminal using SKILL?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Reotaro Hashemoto, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Hi,

    I have one instance of a cell from certain library. How can I convert
    it to block? In other words, add pin corresponding to each terminal of
    this instance having the same name.

    For example, if i have an nmos, I need to create a block (symbol) for
    this nmos, or place 4 pins named: D, G, S, B.

    If anyother instance is placed, i need to determine that

    Reotaro Hashemoto, Jun 7, 2009
  2. Reotaro Hashemoto

    S. Badel Guest

    Is create->cellview->from cellview what you are looking for?

    I'm having some trouble understanding the question..

    S. Badel, Jun 8, 2009
  3. Reotaro Hashemoto

    spurwinktech Guest

    Ahmad, if you want to create a layout from a schematic, cadence has a
    tool to do that called vxl......
    now to answer your question, there are skill command you can use to do
    what you want

    you can also build a rod rectangle and use the pin option to make it a

    hope this helps
    spurwinktech, Jun 8, 2009
  4. Reotaro Hashemoto

    Ahmad Guest


    No. I have tried using it, but it cannot create pin assosiated to
    terminals unless I create pins manually and connect to terminals of

    My case is, I've single instance per sheet, and I need to
    automatically and correctly connect an i/o pin to each terminal of its
    terminals with the same name.

    David, thanks for the hint, yes it helps..

    Ahmad, Jun 8, 2009
  5. Reotaro Hashemoto

    S. Badel Guest

    Ahmad, I think I understand better.

    Below's a quick, easy way to create the symbol. The idea is to look for unconnected terminals in all
    the instances, then use schPinListToSymbol to generate the symbol.

    Note that it does not create the pins on the schematic. If you want that, you will have to use
    schCreatePin() and dbCreateInstTerm() to create and connect the pin ; however, though the result has
    correct connectivity and is netlistable, it is not human editable since the graphical objects are
    not present (wires, wire labels) so the connectivity will be lost after a manual check & save. To go
    one step further is a little tricky, since by creating wires without caution you can create shorts ;
    in that case a simple way is to create a very small (shorter than the snap spacing) piece of wire
    connecting each pin, to avoid touching an existing wire - even so, it is not bullet proof.

    One possibly bullet-proof way of achieving that is to create the connectivity and then invoke
    Import->Netlist View, the schematic place & route ; I'm pretty sure there's a way of calling it from
    SKILL though it escapes my memory at the moment.


    cv = geGetEditCellView()

    ;; find floating instance terminals and build pin list
    termList = nil
    foreach( inst cv~>instances
    foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
    when( length( instTerm~>net~>instTerms ) == 1
    printf("found floating term %s of inst %s\n" instTerm~>term~>name instTerm~>inst~>name )
    termList = cons( list(nil 'name instTerm~>term~>name 'direction instTerm~>term~>direction)
    termList )
    ) ;when
    ) ; foreach
    ) ; foreach

    ;; create symbol
    schPinListToSymbol( cv~>libName cv~>cellName "symbol" list(nil 'ports termList) )
    S. Badel, Jun 8, 2009
  6. Reotaro Hashemoto

    Ahmad Guest

    Thanks again Stephane for the great help...

    I could use your code to create a symbol out of the schematic view.
    But when I try to netlist this symbol (after being instantiated in a
    new sheet) it gives me error for each of its terminals like this:

    ERROR: Netlister : terminal 'B' found in cell 'testSym', view 'symbol'
    does not exist in cell 'testSym' view 'schematic'.

    I think this is because I don't have 'pins' in the schematic view
    corresponding to those on symbol.

    Is it possible, as you mentioned, to create very short net on each
    terminal in schematic view, then go to an empty place in the sheet,
    draw floating wires with labels having same names as those on
    terminals, then connect to pins? I think this would solve it, but
    don't know exactly how to do that.

    Best regards,
    Ahmad, Jun 9, 2009
  7. Reotaro Hashemoto

    S. Badel Guest

    Hi Ahmad,

    I had some spare time so I put together the following code. Hope this solves your problem...


    procedure( SBCreateSymbol( @optional (cv geGetEditCellView()) )
    let( (termList)
    termList = nil

    foreach( inst cv~>instances
    foreach( instTerm inst~>instTerms
    when( length( instTerm~>net~>instTerms ) == 1 && null(instTerm~>net~>pins)
    printf("found floating term %s of inst %s\n" instTerm~>term~>name instTerm~>inst~>name )
    termList = cons( list(nil 'name instTerm~>term~>name 'direction instTerm~>term~>direction)
    termList )
    SBConnectPin( instTerm instTerm~>term~>name )
    ) ;when
    ) ; foreach
    ) ; foreach

    ;; create pins
    SBCreatePins( cv termList )

    ;; save
    dbSave( cv )

    ;; create symbol
    schPinListToSymbol( cv~>libName cv~>cellName "symbol" schSchemToPinList(cv~>libName cv~>cellName
    cv~>viewName) )

    ;; check
    schCheck( cv )

    ) ; let
    ) ; procedure

    procedure( SBCreatePins( cv termList )
    let( (x y ipin opin iopin)
    x = int((caar(cv~>bBox) - 4*0.0625)/0.0625)*0.0625
    y = int(cadar(cv~>bBox)/0.0625)*0.0625
    ipin = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "ipin" "symbol" nil "r")
    opin = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "opin" "symbol" nil "r")
    iopin = dbOpenCellViewByType("basic" "iopin" "symboll" nil "r")
    foreach( term termList
    unless(dbFindTermByName(cv term->name)
    printf("Creating pin %s\n" term->name)
    case(term->direction ("input" ipin) ("output" opin) ("inputOutput" iopin) (t ipin))
    list(x y)
    y = y + 4*0.0625
    ) ; unless
    ) ; foreach
    mapcar('dbClose list(ipin opin iopin))
    ) ; let
    ) ; procedure

    procedure( SBConnectPin( instTerm netName @optional (wireLen 0.0625) (textSize 0.0625) )
    let( (instBox pinBox xa xb ya yb x1 y1 x2 y2 mywire mylabel orient (cv instTerm~>cellView))

    ;; instance and pin coordinates
    pinBox = dbTransformBBox( car(instTerm~>term~>pins~>fig~>bBox) instTerm~>inst~>transform )
    instBox = dbTransformBBox( or(car(exists(x instTerm~>inst~>master~>shapes x~>lpp=='("instance"
    "drawing")))~>bBox instTerm~>inst~>bBox) instTerm~>inst~>transform )

    ;; calculate the center of instTerm
    xa = caar(pinBox)
    xb = caadr(pinBox)
    ya = cadar(pinBox)
    yb = cadadr(pinBox)
    x1 = (xa + xb)/2
    y1 = (ya + yb)/2

    ;; try to figure direction of wire from position of terminal
    (caar(pinBox)<caar(instBox) x2=x1-wireLen y2=y1 orient="R0" ) ;; leftwards
    (caadr(pinBox)>caadr(instBox) x2=x1+wireLen y2=y1 orient="R0" ) ;; rightwards
    (cadar(pinBox)<cadar(instBox) x2=x1 y2=y1-wireLen orient="R90") ;; downwards
    (cadadr(pinBox)>cadadr(instBox) x2=x1 y2=y1+wireLen orient="R90") ;; upwards
    (t x2=x1 y2=y1+wireLen orient="R90") ;; upwards by default
    ) ; cond

    ;; delete existing wires
    ;; mapcar( 'dbDeleteObject setof(x cv~>shapes x~>objType=="line" && member(instTerm
    x~>net~>instTerms) && member(list(x1 y1) x~>points)) )

    mywire = schCreateWire(
    list( list(x1 y1) list(x2 y2) )

    mylabel = schCreateWireLabel(
    list( x2 y2 )

    ) ; let
    ) ; procedure
    S. Badel, Jun 10, 2009
  8. Reotaro Hashemoto

    Ahmad Guest

    Hello Stephane,

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful script, it's really excellent.

    Sorry for the late reply, since I've been in a vacation with no email
    no internet access trying to have some relaxation away of work
    environment :-D

    Could you please tell me how can I make similar thing in layout side?
    I.e create symbol (or even place pins on instance)

    I tried to get the location of all "terminals" for instances placed in
    layout view (how do they named?) using the same way u used, but it
    seems the the ~> operator params differes between layout and

    Can anybody help?

    Best regards,
    Ahmad, Jun 23, 2009
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