Is it possible to create a mirror sketch based on an existing sketch?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I would like to create a loft feature which consists of 2 guide
    curves. The second curve is symmetrical about the right plane of the
    first one. Is there a way, to create the second guide curve without
    needing to resketch & redimension from scratch and in such a way that
    when the first guide curve changed; the second one followed?

    Thanks in advance for your advice and help.

    John, Nov 17, 2004
  2. John

    CS Guest

    In the second sketch convert the entities of the first sketch mirror them as
    desired and then change them all to construction lines.

    CS, Nov 17, 2004
  3. John

    CS Guest

    That is if they are in parallel planes.

    If not you will either have to dimension the second sketch and Link all the


    you may be able to create a surface body out of the first contour and mirror
    that. and convert entities.

    CS, Nov 17, 2004
  4. John

    P. Guest

    Use a derived sketch and then use plane flipping to get the mirror image if
    P., Nov 17, 2004
  5. John

    John Guest


    I try your solution with 2 scenarios:

    1. Convert the entities of the first sketch and the center line.
    Mirror it about the center line. Change the Convert edges to
    construction but leave the mirror entity as is.

    2. Same as above but change all entities to construction.

    Both is working. But when I modify one dimension of the 1st sketch to
    make it either wider or narrower, the second one doesn't update.

    I didn't try the surface body solution yet. So I don't know if this
    will work as I expedted.


    After reading SW help file about Derived sketch, I think this could be
    my solution since the derived sketch will update if the first sketch
    is mofified. On the model tree, 1st select the Sketch, hit Ctrl +
    select the right plane, insert, derived sketch); however, the only
    option I have after creating the derived sketh are Move/copy,
    Rotate/Copy, and Scale/Copy. Please advise how I can flip the plane.
    John, Nov 18, 2004
  6. John

    CS Guest

    Funny it worked here on 2004 sp4.2

    The construction entities have an on edge relationship and should update to
    the new sketch upon rebuild and the mirrored entities are a direct mirror
    of the converted entities. Maybe you shouldmake sure your mirror
    relationships are still there. Maybe tomorrow I will send you an example.

    CS, Nov 18, 2004
  7. John

    John Guest


    I am taking the liberty to send you mine and hope that you don't mind.
    It's a bottle.prt

    If you try to change any dimension (I change the top dimension 15mm to
    10mm in my case) on sketch4, you will notice that sketch5 doesn't
    update while I still have the symmetric relationship. If I change

    If it doesn't take too much of your time, could you please take a look
    and let me know what I am missing?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help
    John, Nov 19, 2004
  8. John

    John Guest

    Sorry, the e-mail bounce back.

    I will wait for your response.
    John, Nov 19, 2004
  9. John

    CS Guest

    Remove eroneous leave the "c" and the cap "S"
    CS, Nov 19, 2004
  10. Actually, you have to remove "erooneous" (note the misspelling of the word
    erroneous) :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2004
  11. John

    CS Guest

    I don't keep it the same in my "Let you know what to remove note" and it is
    misspelled to make sure that if a harvester program is going to harvest the
    address it will have to be ingenious to catch it. If I were writing a
    harvesting program I would search for the word remove and try to figure out
    what to remove by the following text. So just incase I am not the only one
    to think that way I am guarding against the slight chance that they thought
    of it. "Conspiracy theorists UNITE" LOL

    CS, Nov 19, 2004
  12. Hmmmm, I like it. A man with a devious enough thought process to thwart
    those that have similar devious thoughts, but are bent on harm. Good job.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 19, 2004
  13. John

    John Guest


    That's really clever way to thwart off these rodents, pests spammers. :)

    Anyway, the file is on its way and looking forward to seeing what I am missing.

    Many thanks.
    John, Nov 22, 2004
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