is it posible to?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Julian, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. Julian

    Julian Guest

    Hi guys
    I Have an assmbley comprising of three sheet metal parts, one of which has
    holes for pop riveting, Is there a way I can project the holes into the
    other 2 parts and save the individual parts with the holes in them? or do I
    have to do it the long way and do each one individually

    Thanks in advance

    Julian, Mar 25, 2007
  2. Julian

    matt Guest

    A faster way is to use the Hole Series tool, which automatically creates
    in-context features in each individual parts without needing to manually
    edit the parts. This icon is probably not on your toolbar by default. It
    used to be part of the Hole Wizard, but was recently moved to become a
    separate feature, but it still works like the Hole Wiz.

    To put it on your toolbar, go to Tools, Customize, Commands, Features.
    Its the first icon in the 3rd row (assuming you're using SW07 sp3).

    Best of luck.
    matt, Mar 26, 2007
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