Is it normal AutoCAD can't not read *.SAT ACIS files?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by njchen24, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. njchen24

    njchen24 Guest


    I would like to import a few sketches into AutoCAD 2005 using *.SAT
    format exporting from Solidworks 2005. I open an empty drawing
    acad.dwt, import, *.sat and receive the message "unable to read *.sat"
    file. Is this normal?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    njchen24, Jan 27, 2005
  2. njchen24

    Sporkman Guest

    Despite being based on the ACIS kernel, AutoDesk keeps AutoCAD several
    versions behind the latest kernel release. Likelihood is that the
    output from SolidWorks is a later version than is supported by AutoCAD
    2005. In fact, it could easily be SEVERAL versions later. If there is
    any way for you to get whomever output the ACIS files to you from
    SolidWorks to change their default setting to an earlier version, you
    may have good results in importing. If you can't get earlier versions
    of the ACIS files, then I'll volunteer to translate them for you (as
    long as there aren't too many of them). See my Web site for a valid
    email address. Don't send me anything unless you ask first -- I have an
    attachment limitation with my ISP. I can set up FTP for file transfer
    if it's necessary.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Jan 29, 2005
  3. yes, because AC is a 2D program.. what do you wanna to do with complex
    models in AC.. use Inventor or SWX or another real 3D CAX instead?

    Norbert Grund, Jan 29, 2005
  4. njchen24

    jimb Guest

    Just to make you aware...

    Autocad is NOT just for 2D any more (since release 13 and release 11
    if you count the previous ill fated 3D kernal)

    I work exclusively in Autocad or Autocad Mechanicl Desktop. I create
    very complex 3D models. I also work some in Inventor and Solidworks.

    I regularly import from and export to other CAD packages.

    Autocad no longer uses the Acis kernal from Spatial Technologies
    (Daussault?). Some time back they bought the rights to the kernal and
    froze it. All modifications to the kernal (as far as Autodesk goes)
    after that point were done at Autodesk.

    If there was a version incompatibility in translation, the error
    message would have indicated "Created by incompatible version".

    There may be an error in the file.

    The version of Acis (export) can however be set at time of export from



    Jim Bannister
    3Dthinking dot com
    to reply by email, REPLACE the "X's" in address with "M"
    jimb, Jan 29, 2005
  5. who wrotes this?

    what I wanna express is, that AC is targeted to the 2D area by
    Autodesk because it's a 2D CAD... nobody whoy needs prof. 3D modeling
    will use it in our days.

    just my 2 cents
    Norbert Grund, Jan 30, 2005
  6. njchen24

    gruhn Guest

    nobody whoy needs prof. 3D modeling
    Ooops, better recall that last... oh wait, the meeting is done, the clients
    are impressed. Darn. Maybe if I don't bill for it.
    gruhn, Jan 30, 2005
  7. njchen24

    Sporkman Guest

    I had forgotten that this had occurred as described by Jim. It is,
    nevertheless, still true that ouput from SolidWorks to an earlier
    version of ACIS is likely to result in good data from an import. Jim B
    stopped short of noting this. But as he indicated, AutoCAD should have
    indicated the file was created by an incompatible version . . . except
    that AutoCAD (like most CAD software) doesn't always perform as

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Sporkman, Jan 31, 2005
  8. you probably need to bill a lot for it.. because you needed much more
    time than you would have if using something capable..

    ...spooky clients 8<}


    P.S.: AD itself claims AC to be a 2D app, because of this they have
    made somethig like MD and Inventor...
    Norbert Grund, Jan 31, 2005
  9. njchen24

    johnmhill Guest

    If you are literally attempting to export "sketches", then this
    operation is failing because acis will not recognize 2-D data, only 3-D
    johnmhill, Jan 31, 2005
  10. njchen24

    jimb Guest

    Duh Jim...

    S K E T C H E S!

    of course it won't import.

    that's what I get for responding to the subject line only.


    Jim Bannister
    3Dthinking dot com
    to reply by email, REPLACE the "X's" in address with "M"
    jimb, Jan 31, 2005
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