Is it me or center mark not ok?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. I haven't seen any problems if you are talking the MIN MAX thing you want to
    select the circle not it's center mark. The dimension acts differently for

    Corey Scheich, Feb 16, 2004
  2. Corey Scheich

    Jacob Filek Guest

  3. Corey Scheich

    Robin Guest

    Is it me or the center marks do not respet the dimension we want?

    Robin B
    Mech Eng, Montréal, Canada
    Self employed
    SW2004 SP2.1
    Shuttle SB75G
    Intel 3 Ghz, 1 gig ram HyperX ddr433
    FX500, Spaceball 4000FLX
    Robin, Feb 16, 2004
  4. Corey Scheich

    Robin Guest

    I am talking about the size of the centermark.

    Robin, Feb 16, 2004
  5. Corey Scheich

    Robin Guest

    This is since sp1 at least for me. Thanks, I'm won't become fool by trying
    to understand!!!
    Robin, Feb 16, 2004
  6. Corey Scheich

    john Guest

    I also found the center mark not quite right.
    On an existing drw, when I add a center mark to a hole, it comes in
    smaller than
    one that was added previously. Selecting the "existing one" shows that
    it has the properties set in the Detailing Oprions, say 2.5mm for the
    size, and the 2 options checked. Selecting the "new one" shows also
    having the default settings and yet it's much smaller in size.
    As a collegue here says, it's never Swx, it's always the user.......
    Beats me.
    BTW, I found also some funny business going on with Filters in a drw:
    I'll post the question.
    swx 2004 - sp2.1
    Quadro fx500

    Politicians and nappies have something in common.
    They should both be changed regularly.
    And for the same reason.
    Rob Hirst. Midnight Oil drummer/Author.
    john, Feb 16, 2004
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