is it legal? - a question to those posting codes here

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wcc, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. wcc

    BillZ Guest

    I have had a client who almost went out of business because one of his
    employees was sharing drawing files with someone who asked for samples
    so that he could learn about CAD drawings in industry, who was then
    altering them just a little bit so that they were cosmetically
    different. These were then being passed on to a competitor, along with
    other information, who kept undercutting their bids by just enough to
    see them win the jobs.<<<


    I see no relation between someone who would regularly deliver drawings to a public server that contains the latest, pertinent lifeblood of the comapny and someone who posts code on how to get the point coordinates of a polyline or send a command between Excel and AutoCAD (most of which was first learned here in the NG anyway
    What you describe is pure industial espionage.
    Which would be a totally different matter and wrong.

    BillZ, Jan 17, 2005
  2. wcc

    Ian A. White Guest

    What I posted was an instance where someone provided information to
    someone in response to a request for information. The fact that it was a
    drawing as opposed to code does not matter. The person providing the
    information was doing so to assist someone, only once the information
    was provided they had no control as to where it went after that.

    I was simply using this to show that posting code to a newsgroup or
    discussion forum is very little different. The poster has no way of
    knowing who the information is going to or who the person is they are
    responding to.

    What is the lifeblood of a company is not just the drawing or drawing
    information. It includes everything that the company does to manufacture
    its products. Also while an employee is being paid to do productive
    work, that employee should not be spending the time assisting someone
    who could well be a competitor. As I have said before, people have a
    slightly different view when they are the ones paying the wages and they
    find that their employees are spending work time helping people from
    outside the company, or passing information on to others who they
    believe they are helping.

    It is a fine line you tread in this. Yes, discussion groups are
    extremely useful otherwise we would not be involved in it. What
    certainly is of concern is how much information you provide and more
    importantly, who that information belongs to.

    Again, as all drawings I produce clearly state, "..., IF IN DOUBT ASK".
    Just don't assume to know what your employer's attitude is going to be.
    Ian A. White, Jan 18, 2005
  3. wcc

    BillZ Guest

    I agree that you have to be careful how much company information you divulge when interacting in a discussion group.
    And yes, you have to know if the amount of time you are spending here would be looked down upon by your employer.
    These are all elementary things any knowledable employee is aware of.
    If someone that owns his own business decides to give someone a routine that they have developed, then that's a different story.

    But everyone needs to keep this in mind:

    This is a help forum for "customization" and coding.
    And anybody having trouble figuring out how to do something with the open faced programming and interface that comes with AutoCAD, is going to get help doing it, one way or another. The information given here is not nor ever has been meant to be kept a secret. (Excluding copywrite issues).

    You said:
    The "who kept" to me sounded like they were doing it more than once or twice but on a regular basis, but you have cleared that up. Thanks.

    BTW: Information is the "Life Blood" of any company. :)

    BillZ, Jan 19, 2005
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