Is it just me or..... Renaming Parts and Configurations in SWExplorer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P., Jan 24, 2005.

  1. P.

    P. Guest

    Is it just me or..... Renaming Parts and Configurations in SWExplorer
    can lead to instability.

    I just went through a largish assembly, about 5 levels deep in SWE and
    renamed all the parts as well as a large number of configurations.
    There was no problem with the lower level assemblies or parts, but in
    the top level assembly there was a problem. Upon opening it would get
    through most of the opening procedures, rebuild, etc. and then CTDT.
    This happened whether I preopened the lower level assemblies or not.
    When I forced it to open lightweight there was no problem and by
    resolving subassemblies one by one I finally got it to straighten out (
    I hope).
    P., Jan 24, 2005
  2. P.

    pete Guest

    No it is not you :)
    We had the same problem and our Var also confirmed that there is a problem.
    Better to copy a project, whilst in Pdmworks, (2005 only).

    Now this has to be one the greatest upgrade ever, only just beaten by bulk
    check-in with the, "turn sub folders in to sub projects", option :) :)
    :) :)

    Solidworks has also confirmed that there is an bug with the print preview in
    2005 sp 0.1, I will post the id number tomorrow.
    pete, Jan 24, 2005
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