CAM users, Most attempts at totally integrating CAM in to SolidWorks have either not happened (years ago Mastercam and Surfcam tried) or the one that did become gold and has lasted (CamWorks by Teksoft) has generally thought to not be very good when you get beyond very fundamental 2D stuff. A few years ago the product SolidCAM became a SolidWorks gold partner. The company and the individual Dr. Emil Somekh from Israel that created this product has a long history in CAM (company formerly was know as Cadtech) but primarily that history is not in North America. They seem to be most prevalent in Germany, Italy, and the Pacific rim. They claim 8500 seats throughout the world. Does anyone out there have this SolidCAM product and if so could you provide any comments on it. Of primary concern would be the more complex 3, 4, and 5 axis simultaneous milling. Thanks Much