is anyone using solid works for large structures or ships

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Cland, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Cland

    Cland Guest

    I am wondering if anyone is using Solid Works to make
    design drawings or detail design drawings of large structures, barges
    or ships. i would like to
    see some examples if possible.

    Cland, Sep 28, 2007

  2. Go to SolidWorks World and see Jack Sanford's presentation on "Modeling a
    Megayacht". He gave a presentation on the same basic topic at SWW2006 and
    possibly at SWW2007. You might be able to find them on the web or get them
    from someone who was there. There is quite of bit of information about it on
    the SolidWorks website, since he won the 2007 SolidWorks Design Contest.
    Google "Jack Sanford Westport Shipyard".

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Sep 28, 2007
  3. Cland

    Cland Guest

    Many thanks

    Cland, Sep 28, 2007
  4. Cland

    TOP Guest

    Too bad he doesn't hang out here. He is high on my list of SWW

    TOP, Sep 29, 2007
  5. presenters.

    Do you blame him? What self respecting Solidworks Guru would
    frequent this "wild west" climate? The way that these three
    miscarriages conduct themselves here and use just about any vile
    obnoxious language that they choose, simply for lack of consequence,
    shows what kind of character they are made from. Muggs was an
    extremely valuable Guru here, who contributed his valuable time to
    too many people to mention, who were in need. He made an entrance here
    a day or ago, after several months absence. He admitted his absence
    to the overabundance of "drama" here, as anyone of class, suchas he,
    would put it. His presence here lately, serves to remind me what a
    loss we suffer for the absence of the more than several skilled users
    who had the willingness to help those in need. and yet on their own
    personal level have no desire nor inclination to be among the
    classless few who have damaged this Forum so badly.
    Thankfully, one of these morons will be seeing some consequence very
    shortly, I hope. It is going to be interesting to see just how "wild
    west" he really is. He is going to need to be.

    David Callahan
    plasticmoldedproducts, Sep 29, 2007
  6. Cland

    jon_banquer Guest

    Thankfully, one of these morons will be seeing some consequence very
    **** off and die with your whining bullshit asshole.
    jon_banquer, Sep 29, 2007
  7. Cland

    Cliff Guest

    Expecting to find free pizza & sales lit again?
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
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