Is anyone else upset at...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, May 17, 2005.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    Is anyone else upset at the ability to select quadrants of an arc or circle
    when in sketch mode was TAKEN OUT???
    Well in case you hadn't noticed I AM!!
    I dimension to the "not center" of arcs (circles) all the time, and
    apparently someone at one of the big three didn't like it and SW took it
    out. This was so much of a time saver. Now I'm back to many more mouse
    clicks to get what I'm after.
    What happened to "We never take out functionality" and "The individual is
    as important as the big company".
    Well I know that SW corp. is not going to listen to me alone. SO if this
    removal of functionality is upsetting to you PLEASE put in an enhancement

    Thanks, rant over. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...
    Muggs, May 17, 2005
  2. Muggs

    Jason Guest

    Hold shift down when you select the arcs.
    Jason, May 17, 2005
  3. Muggs

    kmaren24 Guest

    For dimensioning to min and max of arcs, hold down the shift key while
    you dimension. They just changed the functionality a little. I like
    this better, it has more control. I hope this is what you were
    referring to.

    kmaren24, May 17, 2005
  4. Muggs

    Brian Guest

    Use the shift key when selecting the arc. Keep it held down until after
    you place the dimension. Or if you already have a dimension, right
    click and change the arc condition to min or max.

    Brian, May 17, 2005
  5. Muggs

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    I don't dimension arcs/circles... whatever they are, they are!

    ROFL - ;^)

    I feel your pain...

    Mike Tripoli
    Mike Tripoli, May 17, 2005
  6. Muggs

    kmaren24 Guest


    Any response? Is this what you were trying to do? Muggs you 99% of
    the time post well but if this was a flame that was put out then let
    everyone know. It's fair to kick SW in the a55 when they screw up it's
    also fair to give them a break when deserved.

    kmaren24, May 17, 2005
  7. Muggs

    remy martin Guest

    Maybe he's just embarrassed that he missed the Mar 21, '05 technical
    bulletin (2005 SP2.0 Change to minimum/maximum dimensions between arcs).

    remy martin, May 17, 2005
  8. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Yes, sorry everyone. I do try to respond when good advice is given.
    I've been excruciatingly busy, but that's a good thing.
    I did not know that I could hold the shift key down to give the same or at
    least similar functionality.
    But after trying it, it doesn't give the same results unless I'm doing
    something wrong.
    Make two circles about 45 degrees from one another:


    Then try to dimension them outside to outside in the X or Y axis.
    I cannot, and this was very simple using the "old" method.
    I guess what I would have expected was, if SW was getting complaints, is to
    make the shift key, or a check box, disable the new functionality. But not
    do away with it.
    If I've completely miss it here, would someone please straiten me out?

    Muggs, May 18, 2005
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