Inventor 7 Vs Solidworks 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. P

    P Guest

    I posted the same email (except removed the sentences that indicated I
    prefered SW) to the Autodesk Group (convinently served only on their
    server). Never saw it, nor did I get any replys.

    Pretty poor form from a company, and the only logical thing to conclude is
    that they expected comments not to be in their favor.

    Guess we will know in several months.

    Thanks for the info regarding Subscriptions, Im sure I will have to look at
    both offers again, but I cant imagine it making enough difference to sway
    the those who eventually make the decisions.



    P, Oct 28, 2003
  2. P

    hoser_71 Guest

    It's because the Autodesk Group is meant to be a technical support
    resource. Keeping discussions about anything else helps keep the
    clutter out. I personally like the fact that it's moderated so that
    there are no 100+ reply's of two people bickering.

    hoser_71, Oct 28, 2003
  3. True, that helps, but I appreciate the freedom of this group that let's
    people say what's on their mind. I don't always agree, but that's ok
    because I don't have to read it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 28, 2003
  4. P

    speedfreak Guest

    ----- Original Message -----
    Ever had a look at Think3 ?
    At least they have a no hidden costs anual subscription fee including
    everything from license to updates, hotline and training.
    We are very happy with it and it was even for unexperienced computer users
    easy to learn.
    As far as I understand, they seem to be able to do the same 3D tricks as
    mentioned about SE and still have a sound 2D basis.
    Here in Europe these guys are growing pretty fast now.


    speedfreak, Oct 28, 2003
  5. P

    jon banquer Guest

    Here in Europe these guys are growing pretty fast now.

    For damn good reason. Think3 has the best technology by far
    compared to SolidWorks, Inventor, SolidEdge, IronCAD, etc.
    who have absolutely nothing close to think3's Global Shape

    NOTHING !!!

    Think3 has only recently adopted a successful U.S. marketing
    program in which thinkdesign / thinkshape is being targeted
    towards midsize companies. Think3 pretty much ignores very
    small accounts who for the most part don't like think3's way
    of selling their product.

    Because think3's technology is so good and will continue to
    stay far ahead of the rest, they will do well with the
    midsize accounts that they directly target with ex PTC and
    other highly successful salespeople from SDRC, etc. It also
    helps that think3 is moving to Cincinnati, Ohio and this
    will no doubt help think3 land many more midsized
    U.S. based accounts

    Still, many small U.S. companies will never go for think3's one
    year license.

    IMO, it would be fair to say that Europeans are by far more
    open to new ideas and superior technology and will put up
    with a one year licensing concept. The fact is many small
    Americans companies won't. It totally goes against their

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  6. P

    speedfreak Guest

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Cliff Huprich" <>
    Newsgroups: comp.cad.solidworks
    Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2003 1:41 AM
    Subject: Re: Inventor 7 Vs Solidworks 2004

    Not at all. The license will work "forever" but only for the last version
    you payed for.
    We used to work with Pro/E. Now we do the same work faster and with less
    frustration. Maby it has something to do with a highly integrated,
    homogenious and intiutive User Interface?

    But how cares, Cliff ? It seems to me that you are a very "closed" person
    who is lead by its own prejudices.

    I just wanted Pete to share my experience. And please do not get me wrong: I
    still regard Pro/E as probably the best CAD application available. Personaly
    I have always liked using it and I still do. But didn't dinosaurs extince
    because of to much power and not enough brains?

    speedfreak, Oct 29, 2003
  7. P

    JDMATHER Guest

    I think if you post a useful message to the Autodesk site, rather than
    poorly thought out statements without any question or request for
    help, they will not pull the thread. I once posted a message with the
    title: SolidWorks Works Inventor Doesn't. In the body of the message I
    explained a relatively simple model that using the same modeling steps
    resulted in a correct model in SWX but not in INV.
    I also posted the file in question to customer files on the Autodesk
    website and they did not pull that. Shortly after that I got an email
    from someone at Solidworks asking if I had more examples. I have also
    gotten email from a Solidworks VAR based on posts to the Autodesk
    site. So they obviously think it is worth their time to visit the
    Autodesk site.
    I don't see much traffic at the forum on the Solidworks site. Anyone
    know why?
    When I send my students there it doesn't appear that anyone is using
    JDMATHER, Oct 29, 2003
  8. P

    Arlin Guest

    I don't see much traffic at the forum on the Solidworks site. Anyone
    The main reason that one is not very busy is due mainly to the activity
    of this newsgroup. In short, this newsgroup just seems more popular.
    Arlin, Oct 29, 2003
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