Invalid Templates?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Troyboy, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. Troyboy

    Troyboy Guest

    I have installed Solidworks 2008 with Active Directory and get this
    error every time I try to start a new part. Any ideas? This is a clean
    install of 2008 sp0

    Error Message #1
    "Failed to open document"

    click ok

    Error Message #2
    The default templates are not valid.The problems can be resolved by
    correcting the default templates under the options dialog. Do you want
    to continue with a blank template.
    Troyboy, Mar 26, 2008
  2. Troyboy

    Pats Fan Guest

    Sounds to me like a path setting or location is not set. When you
    create a new part or assembly or drawing SW is looking for the default
    templates for a part, assembly or drawing. I would check for the
    following ...

    Open Solidworks and gotot Tools\Options and set your "File Locations"
    and "Default Templates" locations.

    Check and correct these "File Locations":
    Sheet Formats
    We have all of our Custom Templates and Sheet Formats in the same
    shared network location so everyone uses the same.

    Also, check and correct the "Default Templates" location. This place
    has the three categories: Parts, Assemblies and Drawings. These
    Defaults are used when you are importing and maybe creating a new
    part, assembly or drawing.

    By installing SW2008 it is most likely that these locations are
    pointing to the wrong places. For instance you may have installed
    into a specific location so the paths don't match up.

    If you don't know what the correct location is Search your computer
    for files that end with .prtdot, .asmdot and or .drwdot.

    Good luck,

    Pats Fan, Mar 26, 2008
  3. Troyboy

    POH Guest

    As George suggests, the file location paths are likely incorrect.

    Did you install SolidWorks 2008 alongside the 2007 (or another)
    version and then remove the earlier installation(s)? If so, the file
    path for the templates (and other paths) which were migrated from the
    earlier version of SolidWorks would leave 2008 with pointers to
    certain invalid locations.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Mar 27, 2008
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