"Invalid Input" when setting .configname

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lcifers, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. lcifers

    lcifers Guest

    I am writing a batch printing application. It works well in AutoCAD
    2002. But in AutoCAD 2000 I get an "Invalid Input" error when setting
    the printer using .ConfigName. I know the string I'm passing has a good
    value, or at least the value is good for 2002. Here's the code in

    With DWGDoc.ActiveLayout
    '''''''ERROR HERE!!!
    .ConfigName = DWGPrinter
    For Each strPaper As String In
    If strPaper.ToUpper =
    Me.cboPaperSizes.Text.ToUpper Then
    .CanonicalMediaName = strPaper
    Exit For
    End If
    End With

    Any thoughts as to what could be going wrong?


    - Luther
    lcifers, Sep 22, 2005
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