Our Intralink (3.2) vault size is growing out of control. Last year (August), the vault size was about 110gb. We've done about 100 projects since that time and it's ballooned to 290gb. My understanding is that purges need to occur to shrink that. After extensive purging (back to the last two revisions of the project) we've only been able to recover about 40gb of drive space. So...where o' where is it growing? Our projects range in size (if exported out) to between 200 and 600mb. If I do the math....taking into account our larges project (100 projects x 600mb each=6gb...NOT 180gb) I was wondering if anyone knows a way to get a full list of projects and their accompanying size (by project) so we know which ones to attack? If anyone has any other ideas I'm totally open to that too. Many thanks in advance.