Intralink running on Windows XP

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by fmc, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. fmc

    fmc Guest

    Has anyone heard when Intralink will be able to run on windows XP. We
    just installed Intralink 3.3, but it would not run. After some effort
    it appears Intralink will run on windows 2000 but not windows XP. All
    of our computers or Windows Xp. It looks like, if we can add it into
    our budget, we will have to buy a computer just to run windows 2000
    for a server.

    fmc, Aug 5, 2004
  2. fmc

    jack Guest

    Not sure if this will help... On my old copy of AutoCAD 2000, it too
    would not run on Win XP.

    What I did to get it to instal and run properly... Open windows
    explorer, navigate to the setup file on the install disc, right click on
    that file, click properties, click the compatiblity tab and choose run
    as Win 2000 program.

    Hope this helps, Jack
    jack, Aug 5, 2004
  3. fmc

    EricM Guest

    Intralink will run on XP. All of our clients are XP. The server is
    preferred to be WinY2K.

    EricM, Aug 5, 2004
  4. fmc

    Pete Guest

    I assume you're talking about the dataserver and fileserver
    components, not the client. We've been running the client on XP since
    Intralink release 3.0 with no problems.

    We run the server components on Windows2000 Server. Windows 2003
    Server will be supported in release 3.4 of Intralink, which is
    scheduled to ship on 8/10/2004.

    As an aside, though I've never had the nerve to try it myself with
    such a critical application, I've heard that there really is no
    problem running Intralink 3.3 and earlier on Windows 2003 Server and
    people have been doing it successfully. Just because PTC does not
    'support' it doesn't mean it doesn't work.

    Pete, Aug 6, 2004
  5. My version of Intralink 3.3 build M021 says it works on WinXp. We are
    still using Win2000 yet, though.

    Robert L. Alexander
    Sauder Woodworking Co.
    Ph. 419.446.3221
    Fx. 419.446.4978

    -----Original Message-----
    From: (fmc)
    Posted At: Thursday, August 05, 2004 12:32 PM
    Posted To:
    Conversation: Intralink running on Windows XP
    Subject: Intralink running on Windows XP

    Has anyone heard when Intralink will be able to run on windows XP. We
    just installed Intralink 3.3, but it would not run. After some effort
    it appears Intralink will run on windows 2000 but not windows XP. All
    of our computers or Windows Xp. It looks like, if we can add it into
    our budget, we will have to buy a computer just to run windows 2000
    for a server.

    Bob Alexander, Aug 6, 2004
  6. Take a look at:

    Johannes Pietsch, Aug 8, 2004
  7. fmc

    fmc Guest

    Yes Pete,
    The server is what I am talking about. Your answer is what I was
    looking for. I don't think our server will be updated to the Windows
    2003 any time soon, so I guess our only hope, at this time, is to set
    up a separate server just to run the Intralink. And yes we understand
    the clients can run as Windows XP. It's just the server that is
    causing our problem. If release 3.4 will run on Windows 2003 do you
    think it will run on windows XP? We at this time do not have the
    approval to get a system just to run the intralink but that could
    change real fast when the one in charge realizes that will be our only

    Here is the Error we are getting when we try to load Intralik.
    Wondering if anyone knows what could be the underlying cause, just in
    case it's not the software version after all.

    "Oracle connect failed while loading Pro/Intralink schema.
    The client has failed to correct the issue, please consult the
    knowledge base in the Customer Service Section of and /or
    contact Technical Support."
    fmc, Aug 9, 2004
  8. fmc

    Pete Guest

    The server is what I am talking about. Your answer is what I was
    As you can see if you click the link on Bob Alexander's post, the
    Intralink 3.4 matrix shows no support for running the server-side
    applications on Windows XP ( )

    In fact, Windows2003 Server is not even certified to run the Intralink
    client in either 3.3 or 3.4!

    The only Microsoft OS that is capable of running all three portions
    (client/dataserver/fileserver) is Windows2000 Professional (not
    Server) at SP3 and above.

    Obviously, if you're all-XP all-the-time, something in your
    configuration is going to have to change. Win2000 Pro is only going
    to support 10 simultaneous users by default (this is a Microsoft
    limit, not PTC). I'd say that if you're going to run 3.3 you should
    go to Win2003 Server. You could just buy the OS and a 10 or 25 client
    access license (CAL) package and run 3.3 on it until 3.4 becomes a
    little more mature. CDW has some good deals on this, and you could
    install it on existing hardware. I would certainly hesitate before I
    installed 3.4 F000. Initial builds are notoriously buggy, and it
    would be wise to wait until the M020 or M030 release of 3.4 before
    committing to it. The 3.3 experience shows that it wasn't until M021
    that things were ironed-out to the point where it was essentially
    bullet-proof. Before that was 2002471, 2003290, an aborted 3-day
    availability M020, and then M021.

    Pete, Aug 9, 2004
  9. fmc

    fmc Guest

    Thanks for all the input. I can see we have some changes we will need
    to make. All of your answers have helped very much.
    Thanks again
    fmc, Aug 10, 2004
  10. fmc

    hamei Guest

    If this is related to IIS, that should be 10 simultaneous
    *connections*, which can work out to about three users ....
    I was fool enough to actually try to use the MS built-in
    _shit_ at one time for web and ftp services.
    hamei, Aug 12, 2004
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