Intersecting Objects in AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by deve_13, May 1, 2007.

  1. deve_13

    deve_13 Guest

    Hi, Im struggling to find an effective solution to work out what a
    line intersects with. The simple solution would be to put all objects
    in an array and cycle through and filter out the ones that do
    intersect with it using 'intersectwith'. However I usually have 2000+
    objects and I have to run this for couple of hundred lines. This
    makes some very tedious code.

    Can anyone think of a way I can either reduce the number of objects I
    am cycling through maybe a radius search or automatically return the
    objects the test line intersects without having to test each object.

    deve_13, May 1, 2007
  2. deve_13

    Scooby Guest

    I'm still a novice, I use the following procedure to select a series
    of mtexts in a title block. This procedure is a complete copy and
    does a little more than you may need.

    I was thinking you could take your line coords and put them in the
    pointsArray and get all entities that lie along each line.

    I've remarked out a few lines of code which draw lines to help me see
    what's happening visually.

    Let me know how it goes.


    Sub GetTextspec01() 'sub - select texts in title block
    ' plan B: get text centers based on text boxes for all texts; filter
    text boxes by location; top row & left column
    ' of spec block to be descriptions
    'title block must be same size and format as template

    ' select all the texts in predefined order
    SendKeys Chr(27) & Chr(27), True
    Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
    If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count > 0 Then ' if there are sel sets,
    then check them
    For Each sset In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
    If sset.Name = "textmod01" Then sset.Delete: Exit For 'if the
    sel set exists, delete it
    Next sset
    End If
    Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("textmod01")

    ' Add to the selection set all the objects that lie within a fence
    Dim mode As Integer
    Dim pointsArray(0 To 80) As Double ', first(0 To 2) As Double,
    second(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim temparray(0 To 11) As Double
    Dim fadditive(0 To 2) As Double, sadd(0 To 2) As Double

    'locate "DWG NO" text as reference point - it's in optical &
    mechanical dwgs

    Dim gpCode(0 To 4) As Integer
    Dim dataValue(0 To 4) As Variant
    gpCode(0) = -4: dataValue(0) = "<OR"
    gpCode(1) = 0: dataValue(1) = "text"
    gpCode(2) = 0: dataValue(2) = "mtext"
    gpCode(3) = -4: dataValue(3) = "OR>"
    gpCode(4) = 1: dataValue(4) = "*DWG*NO*"
    'Dim gpCode(0) As Integer
    'Dim dataValue(0) As Variant
    'gpCode(0) = 1: dataValue(0) = "*BEVEL*MAX*FACE*"
    Dim groupCode As Variant, dataCode As Variant, corner1(0 To 2) As
    Double, corner2(0 To 2) As Double
    groupCode = gpCode: dataCode = dataValue
    corner1(0) = -9999: corner2(0) = 9999
    corner1(1) = -9999: corner2(1) = 9999
    corner1(2) = 0: corner2(2) = 0
    'ThisDrawing.SendCommand (Chr$(27) & Chr$(27))
    SendKeys Chr(27) & Chr(27), True
    ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomExtents 'won't select items not
    visible on the screen
    ssetObj.Select acSelectionSetCrossing, corner1, corner2,
    groupCode, dataCode

    Dim coords(0 To 2) As Double, entobj3 As Object 'tempentobj As
    Dim minExt As Variant, maxExt As Variant
    If ssetObj.Count > 0 Then
    Set entobj3 = ssetObj.Item(0)
    entobj3.GetBoundingBox minExt, maxExt
    coords(0) = (maxExt(0) - minExt(0)) / 2 + minExt(0): coords(1)
    = (maxExt(1) - minExt(1)) / 2 + minExt(1) ' calc center pt
    coords(0) = coords(0) - 121.5: coords(1) = coords(1) + 15.1
    'move first point for optical dwgs
    coords(0) = 56.1: coords(1) = 29.9
    End If
    ssetObj.Clear 'start with empty set

    'now setup and get the texts
    fadditive(0) = 0: fadditive(1) = 0: fadditive(2) = 0
    sadd(0) = 9: sadd(1) = -1: sadd(2) = 0
    mode = acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon
    'base point is 54,30,0
    pointsArray(0) = coords(0): pointsArray(1) = coords(1):
    pointsArray(2) = 0 'radius 1
    pointsArray(3) = coords(0): pointsArray(4) = coords(1) - 4:
    pointsArray(5) = 0 'testplt tol 2
    pointsArray(6) = coords(0): pointsArray(7) = coords(1) - 8:
    pointsArray(8) = 0 'surf qual 3
    pointsArray(9) = coords(0): pointsArray(10) = coords(1) - 12:
    pointsArray(11) = 0 'c.a. 4
    pointsArray(12) = coords(0): pointsArray(13) = coords(1) - 16:
    pointsArray(14) = 0 'power 5
    pointsArray(15) = coords(0): pointsArray(16) = coords(1) - 20:
    pointsArray(17) = 0 'irreg 6
    pointsArray(18) = coords(0): pointsArray(19) = coords(1) - 24:
    pointsArray(20) = 0 'bevel min 7
    pointsArray(21) = coords(0): pointsArray(22) = coords(1) - 28:
    pointsArray(23) = 0 'bevel max 8
    pointsArray(24) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(25) = coords(1):
    pointsArray(26) = 0 'radius 9
    pointsArray(27) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(28) = coords(1) - 4:
    pointsArray(29) = 0 'testplt tol 10
    pointsArray(30) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(31) = coords(1) - 8:
    pointsArray(32) = 0 'surf qual 11
    pointsArray(33) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(34) = coords(1) -
    12: pointsArray(35) = 0 'c.a. 12
    pointsArray(36) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(37) = coords(1) -
    16: pointsArray(38) = 0 'power 13
    pointsArray(39) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(40) = coords(1) -
    20: pointsArray(41) = 0 'irreg 14
    pointsArray(42) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(43) = coords(1) -
    24: pointsArray(44) = 0 'bevel min 15
    pointsArray(45) = coords(0) + 50: pointsArray(46) = coords(1) -
    28: pointsArray(47) = 0 'bevel max 16
    pointsArray(48) = coords(0) + 92: pointsArray(49) = coords(1) -
    16.3: pointsArray(50) = 0 'efl 17
    pointsArray(51) = coords(0) + 92: pointsArray(52) = coords(1) -
    22.3: pointsArray(53) = 0 'blf 18
    pointsArray(54) = coords(0) + 130: pointsArray(55) = coords(1) -
    14.7: pointsArray(56) = 0 'dwg no 19
    pointsArray(57) = coords(0) + 127: pointsArray(58) = coords(1) -
    9.5: pointsArray(59) = 0 'title 20
    pointsArray(60) = coords(0) + 78: pointsArray(61) = coords(1) +
    7.8: pointsArray(62) = 0 'drawn by 21
    pointsArray(63) = coords(0) + 78: pointsArray(64) = coords(1) +
    1.9: pointsArray(65) = 0 'checked by 22
    pointsArray(66) = coords(0) + 78: pointsArray(67) = coords(1) - 4:
    pointsArray(68) = 0 'approved by 23
    pointsArray(69) = coords(0) + 97: pointsArray(70) = coords(1) +
    7.8: pointsArray(71) = 0 'drawn date 24
    pointsArray(72) = coords(0) + 97: pointsArray(73) = coords(1) +
    1.9: pointsArray(74) = 0 'checked date 25
    pointsArray(75) = coords(0) + 97: pointsArray(76) = coords(1) - 4:
    pointsArray(77) = 0 'approved date 26
    pointsArray(78) = coords(0) + 205.9: pointsArray(79) = coords(1) -
    14.7: pointsArray(80) = 0 'ttb revision 27

    For ctr = 0 To UBound(pointsArray) Step 3
    'Debug.Print ctr

    For ctr1 = 0 To 2
    'first(ctr1) = pointsArray(ctr + ctr1) + fadditive(ctr1)
    'second(ctr1) = pointsArray(ctr + ctr1) + sadd(ctr1)
    'temparray(ctr1) = pointsArray(ctr + ctr1) + fadditive(ctr1)
    'temparray(ctr1 + 3) = pointsArray(ctr + ctr1) + sadd(ctr1)
    temparray(0) = pointsArray(ctr + 0) + fadditive(0)
    temparray(1) = pointsArray(ctr + 1) + fadditive(1)
    temparray(2) = pointsArray(ctr + 2) + fadditive(2)
    temparray(3) = pointsArray(ctr + 0) + fadditive(0)
    temparray(4) = pointsArray(ctr + 1) + sadd(1)
    temparray(5) = pointsArray(ctr + 2) + fadditive(2)
    temparray(6) = pointsArray(ctr + 0) + sadd(0)
    temparray(7) = pointsArray(ctr + 1) + sadd(1)
    temparray(8) = pointsArray(ctr + 2) + sadd(2)
    temparray(9) = pointsArray(ctr + 0) + sadd(0)
    temparray(10) = pointsArray(ctr + 1) + fadditive(1)
    temparray(11) = pointsArray(ctr + 2) + fadditive(2)
    'Debug.Print first(ctr1)
    Next ctr1

    'ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt first(0) & first(1) & first(2) &
    second(0) & second(1) & second(2) & vbCrLf

    ssetObj.SelectByPolygon mode, temparray
    'Set lineObj = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddPolyline(temparray)
    If ssetObj.Count < Int(ctr / 3) Then 'if no object was found,
    then substitute a line as a place holder
    'Debug.Print "did not find the mtext, ctr = " & ctr
    End If
    Next ctr

    'ssetObj.Highlight (True)
    'MsgBox "selection set count: " & ssetObj.Count
    'ssetObj.Delete 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt for testing only
    End Sub
    Scooby, May 1, 2007
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