Intermittent problems with selecting construction geometry in sketchfor mating or creating relations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by eworm, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. eworm

    eworm Guest

    I've ran into this problem a couple of times and always found a
    workaround, but I would rather address the problem that continue using

    Short version:
    Sometimes I can't select construction geometry created in a sketch
    even when I have the sketch set to "show".

    Long version:
    Scenario #1:

    I am editing a sheet metal part with with holes created by extrude
    cut. I wanted to replace the holes created by the Extrude Cut feature
    with a Hole Wizard feature. I changed the circles in the sketch which
    created the extrude cut to construction geometry. Then created a Hole
    Wizard feature on the same surface, with the location points in hole
    wizard coinciding with the circles in the sketch. It worked perfectly.
    Second step was to create an alternate configuration with a different
    hole type. So I suppress my Hole Wizard Feature create a new Hole
    Wizard Feature, and repeat the steps above. However fo some reason I
    cannot coincide the holes with the any construction geometry in the
    sketch. I try and try again Hiding and showing the sketch for some
    reason no matter what I do I can't create any relations to the sketch
    construction geometry.

    Scenario #2

    I have a part to be brought into an assembly. The part needs to be
    spaced at exactly 15" in an array but the part itself is slightly less
    than 15". So when I created the part I added a construction geometry
    15" box around the the part. I bring the part in and I mate one side
    to another part using the construction line I created in the sketch.
    This works perfectly. My next step is to mate the top edge using the
    same method. For some reason Solidworks will not allow me to select
    the construction geometry to create a mate.

    I've been able to work around these problems and continue but I would
    like to know why I can select construction geometry only
    intermittently. If I create a simple part to test this issue I never
    run into problems it only happens with more complicated parts.

    Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong.
    eworm, Jul 3, 2008
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