Interior components - How does it work? And from which version?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ronni, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Guest

    I found this under

    "Interior components - No interior components (Use advanced select
    using the property Part is interior detail -- SW Special) "

    We manually simplify our current large assemblies by making
    configurations of the subassemblies where we simplify (suppres
    components you dont see anyways and/or make less detailed parts by
    supressing rendering, chamfers gravure etc.)

    Cand this Interior Component feature do the same? I have been
    searching all my toolbars, menues, help atc. but I cant find anything
    about it...

    We are running SW2007 SP5.0

    Can anyone explain how it works and if it works well? And also add if
    it is present in SW2007 or if its a new feature in SW2008.

    Thanks in advance

    Ronni, Apr 9, 2008
  2. Ronni

    Ronni Guest

    So basically it is just another way of doing what we are doing
    already, just with different commands :S

    A shame it could have some potential.
    Ronni, Apr 10, 2008
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