Interference Check with 2005

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadman_357a, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. cadman_357a

    cadman_357a Guest

    Am I missing something?

    The new interference detection has some good improvements. Being able
    to treat sub-assemblies as a component is great. The Visual display of
    the interference is far superiour than the previous boundary box of
    past releases. But how do I measure the interference?

    All I get is the total volume of the interference. While I can see
    that the total volume may be useful in some rare instances, most of the
    time I just want to know how far over to move a wall, and the volume
    does not tell me that.

    Am I missing something, or has SW only half-assed improved a feature
    again, just like the new and improved "Select Other" function. (...but
    that's another beef.)

    cadman_357a, Jan 24, 2005
  2. cadman_357a

    POH Guest


    You aren't overlooking anything that I know of.

    I too find the interfence (X,Y,Z extents) volumes to be next to
    useless. The only way to clearly visualize (and measure) the actual
    interference(s) is to introduce a CAVITY feature.

    Cavities aren't just for moldmaking. I often create them for temporary
    use while dealing with the elimination of interferences.

    They should be defined with ZERO scaling in order to avoid spatial
    shifts and to provide a line to line result. (It helps to change the
    Cavity feature to a distinctly different color, especially if the
    area(s) of interference are quite small!)

    Once the Cavity exists, the resulting edges on the "cut" part can be
    referenced for use in creating a new modifying Cut feature (or more).

    Be sure to eliminate the sketch (and/or plane) relations to the Cavity
    and then the new feature(s) can be moved above it in the Feature

    After changing the feature order and rebuilding, the cavity will report
    a DESIRABLE error, if no interference is found!

    If the cavity still rebuilds without flagging an error, then you know
    you still have parts competing for space.

    Once you're happy with the features created to eliminate the
    interference, you can delete the Cavity.

    One handy thing is that multiple "cutting" parts can be used to create
    a single Cavity, so you can get the result of numerous interferences
    rolled into a single feature.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 25, 2005
  3. cadman_357a

    cadman_357a Guest


    Thanks for the idea!. I've never done mold design, so haven't look at
    the mold tools in SW.

    I remember years ago when working with Mechanical Desktop, if you had a
    interference, MDT gave you the option of creating a solid using a
    Boolean intersection. You could then hide the two components you were
    checking and see a solid of only the intersection. It was handy.

    It seems that SW is incorporating old AutCAD/MDT commands and features
    (i.e. object snaps). I was hoping that they had also adopted MDT's
    interference check functionality.

    Thanks again,

    cadman_357a, Jan 26, 2005
  4. cadman_357a

    Malcontent Guest

    Dammit!, we don't need ANYMORE acad features in SWX.

    Malcontent, Jan 26, 2005

  5. It's not just an AutoCAD feature, it's a good idea! Other systems handle
    interference in exactly the same way, automating Per's method. I miss it,
    and I've always hated AutoCAD.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 27, 2005
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