Interface Use

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    I'm interested in how people use the interface, mainly in terms of
    general technique, customization, mouse, menus, macros, keyboard,
    hotkeys, other input devices.

    I know we've talked about hotkeys before, but with the new 2007 hotkey
    interface, I'm interested if that will change anything for anyone? I
    think the new hotkey interface is an excellent example of good interface
    design. It does everything I need it to, and easily, without a PHD in
    interface mechanics.

    Also, does anyone make regular use of the Alt-key combinations for menus
    and options? That would seem to be an excellent way of getting around
    the using the mouse, and if your memory was good, it could be way faster
    than the mouse too.

    And I know we discuss input devices like spaceballs frequently, but
    there was a Microsoft Sidewinder contingent on here a few years ago,
    just wondering if those people are still going. I see people ask about
    tablets from time to time, with no positive responses.

    Also if you would like to talk about color schemes that you use, I'm
    interested in that as well.

    As you might expect, this is not for me to learn how the interface
    works, I like to think I know it well enough, but I'm interested in what
    people find useful and why.

    Chime in.
    matt, Aug 23, 2006
  2. I really like the new hotkey interface - does *almost* everything that I
    want it to do. I choose to have my backgrounds both set to white. I use
    hotkeys extensively, but not the Alt menu hotkeys as most of what I need is
    either a readily-accessible toolbar icon or a single hit hotkey. I use RMB
    menus a lot. I use my SpacePilot a lot and frequently reach for it when at
    other machines.

    Overall I like the interface. I like that most things are customizable, I
    like that I can set a beginner mode and also an expert mode in some areas,
    etc. There are a few things I would like to have changed, but for the most
    part, it works pretty well for me.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 23, 2006
  3. matt

    matt Guest

    Ok, so what do you wish it did that it doesn't do?
    Other than the New dialog, what else has a beginner and expert mode?
    matt, Aug 24, 2006
  4. 1. Copy list doesn't copy only items I have selected - it always dumps out
    the whole list. (See #2.)
    2. Copy list doesn't bring in ALL hotkeys - only those that are associated
    with the current open document type, so to get them all, you have to dump
    out the list 3 times, sort, and delete the duplicates.
    3. If you select a few lines and then RMB on a line, your selection set
    highlighting disappears.
    4. The search function doesn't allow modifiers, for example, you can't
    search for Ctrl+Z.
    I like that you can change the size of the toolbar icons and change the
    amount/size of the tooltips. Once you know what the icons are, you can gain
    some real estate.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 24, 2006
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