Interesting reading about hardware!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, Nov 3, 2003.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    Maybe you hardware guru's may already know this, but after buying
    "Microsoft's Windows XP networking inside out", I found an interesting
    comment by the author relating to the file system used.

    He states that, if you want speed over security, it is better to use Fat32
    as opposed to NTFS. I tried this on a machine running Solidworks and he was
    right! :)

    A standard warning, but some might not know this and I would hate to be
    "Flamed" whilst trying to help!.

    When using NTFS and an assembly with 300 parts and 5 sub-assemblies each
    with 7 parts, I lost 37 seconds opening the file and revolving the assembly
    was a bit jittery!
    This was on a brand new machine with only Solidworks2003 SP5 on it.
    Changing to Fat32 helped a lot.(the server was unchanged)

    Having to look after a network, I am always looking for ways to speed things

    Do you super bods, have any more tips that would help to make a "faster and
    better" life, for us mere mortals?
    pete, Nov 3, 2003
  2. pete

    MM Guest


    I know for a fact that on NT4, FAT16 was much faster than NTFS. I would use
    this on all our machines. When we switched to Win2000, I carried this same
    philosophy over and formatted for FAT32. It did seem a "little" faster than
    the NTFS machines, but not as much as with NT4 and FAT16. It also caused
    some problems. FAT32 wouldn't defragment very well with either Diskeeper or
    Norton Speed Disk. I'm not counting the built in Win2000 utillity, because
    it doesn't work very good on anything. I was also getting allot more
    unexplained crashing on the FAT32 machines, and a whole helluva lot more HD


    MM, Nov 4, 2003
  3. pete

    kellnerp Guest

    One interesting quirk to this is that if the drive with TEMP on it is FAT
    then CosmosMotion will not run properly. It requires an NTFS partition.

    This is a known speed up and is used by some of us regularly for SWAP
    partitions because of the speed increase.

    Perhaps a good use would be to partition a disk so that when using PDMWorks
    a FAT partition was available for the local copies of PDMWorks parts and
    the OS and program files remain inside NTFS where security would be more of
    an issue.
    kellnerp, Nov 4, 2003
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