Interesting interaction between SolidWorks and Volo View Express

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chris Dubea, Jul 3, 2003.

  1. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi all,

    I've got an interesting problem that you may have experienced. If you
    have, then I hope that you can provide the privilege of sharing your
    experiences in the resolution.

    I am using Swx 2003 sp 3.1 and was wanting to get a feel for what the
    AutoCAD drawings that SolidWorks looked like. As I don't have easy
    access to a real version of AutoCAD, I downloaded the Volo View
    Express tool for viewing drawings. This tool worked just fine but the
    installation of it on my computer has left a rather interesting side

    Every time I start SolidWorks, Volo View wants to reinstall itself.
    It then pops up a window telling me that it can't find some component
    it needs to complete the installation and wants me to help it find the
    missing component.

    I can cancel the operation, but it keeps wanting to install itself.
    If I can catch it during the initial install phase (before it wants me
    to help it find the missing component) I can cancel it and it will

    Has anyone experienced this bizarre behavior? Can anything be done to
    stop it short of uninstalling Volo View?

    Thanks a lot,

    Chris Dubea, Jul 3, 2003
  2. Chris Dubea

    kellnerp Guest

    Did you install either with Windows Installer. Autodesk still hasn't
    outgrown their old DOS programming habits, methinks.
    kellnerp, Jul 3, 2003
  3. If all you need to do is to view & print AutoCAD drawings I would uninstall
    Volo View & use eDrawing to view/print DWG & DXF files.

    Matt B.
    Matthew A. Bush, Jul 7, 2003
  4. Chris Dubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    I got it to stop by reinstalling VoloView. I didn't know about the
    installer bug. Nice.

    Chris Dubea, Jul 8, 2003
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