interesting animation problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by coux, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. coux

    coux Guest

    I've been presented with an interesting request/problem. As part of a
    sales demostration, a client would like to show Solids Works animation
    of a cable traveling through a winding pipe with a plethora of bends.
    Not only that, but they would like the ability to change the trajectory
    of the cable or the path (i.e. pipe)that it is traveling through. I've
    experimented with various approaches, but none were successful.

    Part of the problem I'm having is that there doesn't seem to be a way
    of assembling a section of the cable to the curving centerline of the
    path. For some reason, Solid Works doesn't take to kindly to datum
    points being assemble to anything other that a straight line. I've
    tried using Datum points, sketched lines, splines, and axis. None of
    them are a valid assembly references. So, I'm starting to think my
    approach is incorrect. At this point all and any help would be greatly
    appreciated. Many thanks.
    coux, Jun 2, 2005
  2. coux

    Zander Guest

    You can successfully mate a sketch point from one part to the face of a
    surface. I use this often when I need to move something along a
    splined or other path type. Just sweep a simple surface along your
    centerline path.

    Zander, Jun 2, 2005
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