Interconnect delay annotation in VerilogXL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Pankaj Golani, Oct 15, 2004.

  1. Hi all
    I am trying to do SDF backannotaion in VerilogXl. But i am getting
    some wierd results using INTERCONNECT keyword. when i use interconnect
    delay in my sdf file all the IOPATH sdfannotation doesnot work.
    after using this SDF file my IOPATH sdfannotation does not work.
    here is my sdffile

    (SDFVERSION "2.1")
    (DESIGN "STFBtest")
    (DATE "October 1, 2004 00:40:2")
    (VENDOR "")
    (VERSION "PEARL 4.3-p025")
    (DIVIDER /)
    (VOLTAGE 2.500:2.500:2.500)
    (PROCESS "1.000:1.000:1.000")
    (TEMPERATURE 25.000:25.000:25.000)
    (TIMESCALE 1ns)
    (CELLTYPE "cir")
    (INSTANCE cir)
    (INTERCONNECT B I0/a (0.105000:0.105000:0.105000)
    (INTERCONNECT A I0/b (0.001277:0.001277:0.001277)
    (INTERCONNECT I4/out C (0.000110:0.000010:0.000010)
    (INTERCONNECT I0/out I4/a (0.000167:0.000167:0.000167)
    (IOPATH a out (1.136806:1.136806:1.136806) (1.5:1.5:1.5))
    (IOPATH a out (1.128328:1.128328:1.128328)
    (IOPATH b out (1.128328:1.128328:1.128328)

    Please help with this
    Pankaj Golani, Oct 15, 2004
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