Intels new atomic chip and laptops

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by phil scott, Jul 12, 2008.

  1. phil scott

    jimsym Guest

    Intel has just announced new "P" series low power Core2 Duo
    processors. They will be available at speeds up to 2.5GHz and use a
    max of 25W power. Paired with DDR3 memory, they should extend battery
    life by about 50% over current Core2 Duo mobile systems.
    jimsym, Jul 15, 2008
  2. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    sounds like it will be worth waiting a few months for'


    Phil scott
    phil scott, Jul 16, 2008
  3. phil scott

    Krister_L Guest

    Dell Precision M6300, 17" screen, up to 200Gb hard drive. Up to 8gb
    int mem

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Jul 16, 2008
  4. phil scott

    jimsym Guest

    Phil -

    Have you considered a Dell Precision M2300? If you configured it with
    the T9500 CPU, a single 2GB DIMM and a 5400rpm hard drive, you'd get
    excellent battery life and reasonable performance at a competitive
    price - and not have to wait for the Centrino2 Pros to ship.

    The T9xxx series are 45mm Penryn parts with a peak power rating of
    35W. At 2.5GHz, the T9500 is quite fast. The 360M graphics is
    certified by SolidWorks and draws only 17w power (compared to 50W for
    the 1600M.) A 5400rpm drive would be sluggish, but power consumption
    would be very low. (SSDs actually consume more power because they
    consume the same amount of power whether idle or running full bore).
    Having a single DIMM also reduces power consumption without a huge
    impact on performance. Finally, the 14.1" screen may require a little
    squinting, but it will draw much less power than a 15-17 screen would.
    jimsym, Jul 16, 2008
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