Intellimouse Button

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rob, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    Does anyone know how I can program the scroll button to make it pan in
    AutoCAD? I also have 2 buttons on the thumb side and would like to program
    those too. When I go into the program it has an area to customize and when
    I add the command name it tells me that it is not available.

    Rob, Dec 12, 2005
  2. Rob

    tomcas Guest

    Are you customizing the Intellimouse driver software or Autocad?
    tomcas, Dec 13, 2005
  3. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I was trying to modify this in the mouse driver. I really dont want to get
    into ADT's menu and button programming if I dont have to. Maybe there is a
    simpler way to modify in Acad.

    Rob, Dec 13, 2005
  4. Rob

    tomcas Guest

    What version is the driver?
    tomcas, Dec 13, 2005
  5. Rob

    Rob Guest

    It is for a USB Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 Driver Version 5.20.413.0 dated
    6/3/2004. I just d/l from MS yesterday.
    Rob, Dec 13, 2005
  6. Rob

    tomcas Guest

    That's your problem. Version 5 no longer has application specific button
    assignment. Uninstall it and install version 4.3 or lower.
    tomcas, Dec 13, 2005
  7. Rob

    jojo Guest

    rob, did you get this settled?

    I want to customize my scholl button so that it
    will pan when held down.
    jojo, Dec 14, 2005
  8. Rob

    Rob Guest

    still playing with it. There is an area in the settings that you can
    customize for software but not really sure how. It appears it will either
    do the pre-programmed commands or it will open a program etc... I really
    like my new mouse that can zoom in and out and right to left but I REALLY
    miss my pan button. Still open for ideas. I will update if I get it worked

    Rob, Dec 14, 2005
  9. Rob

    jojo Guest

    yes, I went to my mouse software (in control panel) and set the middle
    button to "middle button"
    boom, I get pan....
    now it I could get that zoom to work
    jojo, Dec 14, 2005
  10. Rob

    tomcas Guest

    Properties, Button Tab, check Enable Program-Specific Button Settings,
    click on setting button.
    If Acad in not already in the Program list then click Add button,
    navigate to Acad folder and find the Acad executable.
    Usually this is found in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Acadm 2004(or what
    ever version you have)and the file name is listed as Acad.exe
    tomcas, Dec 15, 2005
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