integrating OpenAcces

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by navs, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. navs

    navs Guest

    Has anybody I tried integrating OpenAccess (opensource version of
    cadence Data base)?. I am planning to integrate it into Eclipse. Can
    anybody share any experiences, it would help me a lot. Thanks.
    navs, Nov 29, 2007
  2. navs

    andrewb Guest

    What's Eclipse?

    Probably you should go to the forums on the si2 web site. Especially
    if you're an OpenAccess Coalition member.


    andrewb, Nov 30, 2007
  3. A programming environment. Quite popular for Java, less so for C++.

    But what I wonder is what does it mean integrate OA with Eclipse.

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Nov 30, 2007
  4. navs

    navs Guest

    What I am trying to do here is trying to visualise IC design data
    (layout) 3-D, using opensource tools, atlease researching on its
    feasibility. Integrating it to Eclipse would be initial step, get a
    basic platform to build on it. Hope I am clear about that!

    navs, Dec 1, 2007
  5. You are talking programmer syntax in in a chip designer newsgroup.
    (There are some CAD supporters here too who know more about
    programming) You need to elaborate more on your final goals to get
    helpful advices.

    According to my limited experience with eclipse you will be wasting
    your time. Instead stream the layout to gds and use gds2pov to
    raytrace your layout. I have looked at signs, a verilog plugin for
    eclipse, it looks cool, but I find eclipse a bit slow, and a layout
    can be really process hungry to render in 3D. (How many capacitors
    does 1Gb of DRAM have?, let alone sense-amps and bit/word lines?)
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Dec 2, 2007
  6. I've never heard about someone doing that. Eclipse doesn't seem the right
    starting point to me.

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Dec 3, 2007
  7. I think he wants to use the java3d package. If you look at electric
    from you will see that a 3d view of a layout
    can be done inside a java tool and then just add the features from
    java3d to render things in 3d.

    Does OpenAccess have a java API at all? I know there is a python API
    which would make it possible to use jython with eclipse and jython is
    supposed to be as fast as java as it is really java programmed through
    python, but how fast is really java? Electric is pure java and really
    fast, but it is also programmed from ground up with assistance from
    Sun. (Used to be a c-program)
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Dec 3, 2007
  8. Not that I know of.
    For that to work, you'd first have to get a JNI binding for OA. The
    existing Python one probably doesn't help (I've not looked at it).

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Dec 3, 2007
  9. navs

    navs Guest

    Thanks for the comments and suggestion. I know Eclipse would be pretty
    slow to handle such a huge data. I am just investigating the
    feasibility, which later would be part of my thesis.

    jython was a news for me. I will check on that.

    synopsis has released a viewer for oA, does anyone know if its a 3-d?
    I couldn't find much on that in

    navs, Dec 4, 2007
  10. navs

    Keith S. Guest

    Get yourself a copy of the Qt gui toolkit from Trolltech.
    Then draw in a QGLWidget using OpenGL for your 3D graphics.
    If you're competent in C++ it should not be too difficult.
    Keith S., Dec 10, 2007
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