Integer Function Bug

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mark Downey, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Mark Downey

    Mark Downey Guest

    Hello Everyone

    I have a problem with the integer function in equations. The problem is that when an equation evaluates to a whole number the integer function is rounding it down. A pdf showing the steps and the associated model can be downloaded with the following links.


    SW model

    I have also tried this same model in SW2006 and it performs the same way. Can anyone double check this reply to the group what they find?

    Thank you

    Mark Downey, Jul 21, 2005
  2. Mark Downey

    Mark Downey Guest

    By the way, I used SW2005 SP4.0 to create this example.

    Hello Everyone

    I have a problem with the integer function in equations. The problem is that when an equation evaluates to a whole number the integer function is rounding it down. A pdf showing the steps and the associated model can be downloaded with the following links.


    SW model

    I have also tried this same model in SW2006 and it performs the same way. Can anyone double check this reply to the group what they find?

    Thank you

    Mark Downey, Jul 21, 2005
  3. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    Its just giving you the integer bit, as designed, correct?
    You probably want the rounding function instead.
    There should be one .... I'd expect.
    Cliff, Jul 21, 2005
  4. Mark Downey

    Muggs Guest

    Yep, Sure enough.
    Same thing here SW 2005 SP 3.1 (because I can't 4.0 to load).
    Very odd!

    Hello Everyone

    I have a problem with the integer function in equations. The problem is that when an equation evaluates to a whole number the integer function is rounding it down. A pdf showing the steps and the associated model can be downloaded with the following links.


    SW model

    I have also tried this same model in SW2006 and it performs the same way. Can anyone double check this reply to the group what they find?

    Thank you

    Muggs, Jul 21, 2005
  5. Mark Downey

    Mark Downey Guest


    The problem is that when the result of the equation is a whole number
    integer the integer function should not change the result and that is what
    is happening.

    Mark Downey, Jul 21, 2005
  6. Mark Downey

    Bob Guest

    if you want to "round to the nearest integer" then
    round = integer(number+.5)

    Hello Everyone

    I have a problem with the integer function in equations. The problem is that when an equation evaluates to a whole number the integer function is rounding it down. A pdf showing the steps and the associated model can be downloaded with the following links.


    SW model

    I have also tried this same model in SW2006 and it performs the same way. Can anyone double check this reply to the group what they find?

    Thank you

    Bob, Jul 21, 2005
  7. I just tried your file on SW2005 SP4.0 with the same results. So I tried a simple test piece with one equation and it performed properly with or without the INT function. I don't have time to really break this down, but maybe you have a circular reference happening that is forcing an evaluation differently that what it appears it should be. Try turning off one equation or something, etc.


    Hello Everyone

    I have a problem with the integer function in equations. The problem is that when an equation evaluates to a whole number the integer function is rounding it down. A pdf showing the steps and the associated model can be downloaded with the following links.


    SW model

    I have also tried this same model in SW2006 and it performs the same way. Can anyone double check this reply to the group what they find?

    Thank you

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 21, 2005
  8. Mark Downey

    mdowney374 Guest

    The issue in this case is that I don't want the result to be rounded.
    I want the integer value even if the result is 3.99999.

    mdowney374, Jul 21, 2005
  9. Mark Downey

    TOP Guest

    A whole number in decimal or base2? The computer is thinking in base 2
    while you are thinking in base 10.
    TOP, Jul 21, 2005
  10. Okay, I just typed a big long reply about this that didn't get posted
    and was lost, so here's something close:

    In SolidWorks, numbers are stored internally in a base 2 floating point
    format (probably double precision IEEE because that's what's exposed in
    all their API calls) which has inherent limitations in the accuracy of
    computation. Actually our base 10 representation also has errors, but
    we don't notice those so much, and when the computer produces a
    different answer from the "obvious" base 10 approach we cry foul. For
    example, one tenth (0.1) does not have a finite representation in base
    2. So if you add it together 10 times, you get a number slightly less
    than one. Try this in a macro:

    x = 0.1
    MsgBox 1 - (x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x)

    What's that? 1x10^-16 or so? So you see that it's not quite 1. This
    is a little problem because in the UI it's impractical to show
    0.999999999999999, so it just shows 1. But then you call the integer
    function on that number, and you get zero because that's what's stored
    internally. It's not a bug in SolidWorks, but it is just one of the
    limits of numerical computation.

    You can't eliminate this error, but there are some principles and
    methods you can follow to reduce it. For more information on the
    binary representation as well as a few good links at the bottom, look
    You may also try searching on numerical analysis.

    Jonathan Anderson
    Jonathan Anderson, Jul 21, 2005
  11. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    It may be that the result is actually a floating point number,
    not an integer, and very slightly less than an exact integer
    to the last decimal point *in the computer's storage*,
    which is rarely exact (it only has so many bits for
    any number, right?)
    Try the rounding function.
    Cliff, Jul 21, 2005
  12. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    Don't forget to consider storing integers in integer data
    types too <G>.
    Cliff, Jul 21, 2005
  13. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    DANG !!!
    Where was poor jb on this one?
    LOL ....
    Cliff, Jul 21, 2005
  14. Mark Downey

    Mark Downey Guest

    Thank you for the in depth description. I figured it had to do with what
    you described. If someone wasn't paying attention to the results this type
    of error could be costly. Anyway thanks for the input.


    Mark Downey
    Mark Downey, Jul 22, 2005
  15. Mark Downey

    Mark Downey Guest

    I just went back to the model to try adding rounding to the equation and it
    is not available; go figure. I reviewed the equation again and I am
    confused as to why (19.625-7.625)/3=12/3=4 would evaluate to 3 when the
    integer function is applied. When I enter the equation int(12/3) the result
    comes out as 4. Even the equation int((19.625-7.625)/3) evaluates to 4 when
    it is entered as numbers but when the dimension values are used the result
    is different. It just doesn't make sense!

    Mark Downey, Jul 22, 2005
  16. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    Your dimension values probably have more decimal places internally.
    Don't assume.
    When you want integer data out use integer functions properly to
    get proper results.
    Cliff, Jul 22, 2005
  17. Mark Downey

    mdowney Guest


    Thank you for the clarification. I had tried RND instead of ROUND. I
    didn't see any options in the help menu so I didn't go any further. I
    like this solution and will definitely use it in the future.

    FYI. I built the same equation using variables in Excel and the result
    from the INT function came to 4 instead of 3. There must be a
    difference in the precision levels somewhere.

    Thanks again for the feedback and assistance.


    Mark Downey
    mdowney, Jul 22, 2005
  18. Mark Downey

    mdowney Guest


    You may be correct that the decimal places for the dimensions are
    carried out further than displayed. The problem I have with that
    explanation is that I entered the dimensions to 3 decimal places so why
    does SolidWorks have more decimals than what was entered?

    Now that I know about the rounding function I can avoid this in the


    Mark Downey
    mdowney, Jul 22, 2005
  19. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    All floating point data is stored in a binary floating point
    format using X bits.
    In addition, if anything was moved/translated .... trig errors
    may change things slightly.
    Same for angled stuff.
    And, if this is associated with anything else, SW *might* be making
    small adjustments so that it all comes out right.
    Cliff, Jul 22, 2005
  20. Mark Downey

    Cliff Guest

    This seems a bit odd .....
    D2@Sketch1 on the left should be an integer data type but
    D1@Sketch1 is a floating type on the right.
    Did you get to define/declare D2@Sketch1 as an integer data
    BASIC was so long ago ....
    Cliff, Jul 22, 2005
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