<<dreaming here>> We need something that could press SW to its limits the same way every time to force a crash if a crash is inevitable. That way, we could easily tell if a SP or a new piece of hardware or software added to our system is going to be more or less reliable than what we're using at the time. I wonder if some SW programming guru could think about writing a public domain "burn in" utility for SW. Something that could run a suite of tests, creating solid models, assy's, drawings, using sweeps, lofts, extrudes, imports, etc., you know all the normal stuff. And when you want to test, you just set it up and walk away until it crashes. Then you go read the logs; how long did it take, what was it doing, etc. If there's ten thousand different things that can make SW crash then I'm sure some AI software could cover at least a few thousand of those things. If an SP can't make it past 5 hours then it doesn't get used. Hmmm, I wonder if it's possible. That's how you do it with burn in software when testing new hardware. Any thoughts? - Eddy