instances not assembling

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by dakeb, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. dakeb

    dakeb Guest


    Intralink 3.2 proe rel 2001

    I have a problem with instances not opening for assembly in proe. This
    happens if the filename is quite long. It only happens on the computer of
    one user, the others are fine. If it's say, a washer, Proe gives a message
    something like 'incorrect file extension sher> not allowed'. It's as if it's
    truncating the filename, and reading the rest of the filename as an
    extension. For instances with shorter names it works fine.

    I can work around it by selecting the generic for assembly, then picking the
    required instance from the list.

    Also, the generic will open using File/Open.

    It just won't assemble.

    Any ideas?


    dakeb, Dec 7, 2004
  2. dakeb

    David Janes Guest

    : Guys,
    : Intralink 3.2 proe rel 2001
    : I have a problem with instances not opening for assembly in proe. This
    : happens if the filename is quite long. It only happens on the computer of
    : one user, the others are fine. If it's say, a washer, Proe gives a message
    : something like 'incorrect file extension sher> not allowed'. It's as if it's
    : truncating the filename, and reading the rest of the filename as an
    : extension. For instances with shorter names it works fine.
    : I can work around it by selecting the generic for assembly, then picking the
    : required instance from the list.
    : Also, the generic will open using File/Open.
    : It just won't assemble.
    : Any ideas?
    It's localized to a single computer. That's a good thing. I'd start by renaming a
    local, forcing pro-e to load only default/corporate settings. If the
    problem went away, you'd know to hunt for a config option. And then it could be
    turning on instance accerators, limits of parameter length that the instance name
    is associated with (though this seems a little too general) or even what editor is
    being used for family tables and possibly rejection of certain characters in file
    names. But at least if was the culprit, you'd have a place to start. I
    take it that Intralink has no problem listing this instance in workspace.

    David Janes

    : Thanks,
    : Dave
    David Janes, Dec 7, 2004
  3. dakeb

    dakeb Guest

    It lists them in the Workspace, but doesn't list them in the proi directory
    on C:

    Tried different files top no avail.
    dakeb, Dec 7, 2004
  4. dakeb

    dakeb Guest

    Solution courtesy of Don Jordan on the Pro-user exploder:-

    You may want to take a look at how long this users workspace names are. I

    seem to remember an issue with very long workspace names and long part

    names, when combined exceeded the proe name length allowed.
    dakeb, Dec 7, 2004
  5. dakeb

    David Janes Guest

    : Solution courtesy of Don Jordan on the Pro-user exploder:-
    : You may want to take a look at how long this users workspace names are. I
    : seem to remember an issue with very long workspace names and long part
    : names, when combined exceeded the proe name length allowed.
    I don't really get it: how are workspace names ever combined with part names,
    especially when you are opening instances from workspace to assemble them?
    David Janes, Dec 8, 2004
  6. dakeb

    dakeb Guest

    Jim Proctor on Pro-user tells me the limit is 63 characters.

    If you are working on Proe in Ilink, it opens the object you are assembling
    by current workspace name + instance name + <generic name>. It does this
    even if you are selecting the object from Commonspace. Instance name +
    generic name can be very long if you want a decent description in the part
    name, for example, fasteners in a family table.

    Strange that it doesn't do the same with File/Open. The mind boggles. IF it
    has to have a limit, why can't it default to the Windows limit of 255

    Workaround is to assemble the next higher generic, and select the instance
    from the Window. For some reason Proe likes it better that way.
    dakeb, Dec 8, 2004
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