installing two versions

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by don, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. don

    don Guest

    I tried to install another of the same version of acad 2004 on the same
    computer just so I could practice customizing autocad without messing up my
    original but it would not install - it just asked me if I wanted to repair
    my old version - is there a way around this?
    don, Feb 27, 2007
  2. can you drive two cars at same time? i don't think so.
    you can not install same program on one partition twice (or more)
    so, make another partition, install OS on that partition and then
    programs you want to try out (be careful with that)
    Zydar B'tonsky, Feb 27, 2007
  3. don

    sakoguy Guest

    You cannot install two instances of the same version of any Autodesk
    product, at least as far as I am aware. You can install two different
    versions, say AutoCAD 2002 and AutoCAD 2004. But even that will
    sometimes cause problems depending on the product and which order they
    were installed in.
    sakoguy, Feb 27, 2007
  4. don

    Mr. B Guest

    If you have the FULL version, you can create a Temporary Profile and do just
    what you want to...

    Option --> Profiles


    Mr. B, Feb 28, 2007
  5. don

    sakoguy Guest

    When you try to install the second time, no matter how many profiles
    you want to make, the second install will want to use the same
    registry entries in Windows as the first install. Even if you have
    other drives in your PC and direct the install to another drive there
    is only one registry. One or both of the installs will not work
    reliably, if at all. If you have AutoCAD 2004 and a newer version you
    can install them on the same PC because after version 2004 Autodesk
    did support two or more versions on the same computer.
    sakoguy, Mar 2, 2007
  6. don

    don Guest

    Thanks for that info - I installed winxp twice and then was able to have two
    seperate versions of ACAD
    don, Mar 3, 2007
  7. don

    Robert Guest


    I think you could just create another user account on your computer and
    login as that user to have a different profile. You should be able to
    create as many users as you want. This would be easier than booting into
    two versions of the OS.

    If you are not part of a domain than you could use fast user switching
    and be logged in as two users at once and test customization on the
    secondary account.

    Robert, Mar 5, 2007
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