Installation of SolidWorks 2004 SP0

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, Sep 24, 2003.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    Today I received my set of 2004 SP0 CDs and launched right into
    installing it to replace the Pre-Release 1 version which I've been
    running alongside 2003.

    I should have read the "Read This First" sheet more carefully to
    recognize that 2004 SP0 is NOT to be installed as an upgrade to the
    2004 Beta or Pre-Release.

    However, since I made the mistake of attempting an upgrade, let me
    describe the results:

    1. The Windows Installer routines seemed painfully slow - probably
    just a coincidence.

    2. The upgrade installation simply hung after making some progress.

    3. I logged off and back on to find the Installer still running and my
    Windows "Active Desktop" went bonkers - needing restoration which
    couldn't be performed with the Installer in progress.

    3. After using Task Manager (in Windows 2000 Pro) to manually "kill"
    the Installer-based processes, I reset the computer and found the
    Installer to still be alive and kicking with the Active Desktop
    continuing to be in trouble.

    4. I then shutdown the computer and used Safe Mode to allow me to
    easily delete the *.MSI file, the SolidWorks 2004 installation files
    directory and the 2004 Pre-Release files/directories.

    5. Rebooting normally and installing a "new" copy of 2004 then
    proceeded without a problem...

    (I understand that there's a utility available (via the SolidWorks
    website) named "Remove2004pr2.exe". I don't know if it would have done
    anything to remove the Pre-Release 1, but I certainly wasn't going to
    try to get the Pre-Release 2 files for an update and then run the

    Anyway, the point of all of this is that I think the SolidWorks 2004
    SP0 CD #1 should include more detailed installation directions for the
    user to read on the computer screen, if desired, during (or before)
    the beginning of the Windows Installer's procedures.

    The difficulty with an upgrade to an earlier version of 2004 may not
    have been recognized soon enough to allow for the inclusion of the
    "removal" utility as part of the production CDs.

    I often wonder if the developers spend enough time performing "real
    world" installations on systems with multiple versions of SolidWorks
    running side by side - including Beta and/or Pre-Release? I suspect
    that too often the installations are standalone. It's so easy in a
    non-production environment to simply wipe the slate clean and

    While I should have taken more time to carefully plan the
    installation, I'd say that all too often the SolidWorks setup program
    misses opportunities to present useful prompts to the user within the
    on screen dialog boxes.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Sep 24, 2003
  2. Per O. Hoel

    Gary Knutson Guest

    Does 2004 only install with the Windows Installer? If so, I have a
    problem in that my C: partition is too small to allow WI to run. I have
    found no way to direct it to another partition.

    Gary Knutson, Sep 24, 2003
  3. Per O. Hoel

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Yes, 2003 is only WI...

    I thought you could direct it to a different drive. Maybe I be mistaken...?

    I posted to a different thread the part about uninstalling the old
    (downloaded) before the new CD's.
    Mr. Pickles, Sep 24, 2003
  4. Hmm,... are you trying to make sense of this, Per!?

    I will sorely miss the traditional installer, it was fast and easy.

    IMHO, the WI sucks and is another way of idiot proofing but at the same
    time it will create more problems than lessen them!!

    Yeah, you screwed up but your point is spot on! If the installer was
    setup to really be productive and fore warning, it would have noted your
    previous beta, PR1 or PR2 or web sp0 traditional install and suggested
    you remove them or it would remove them to install the CD sp0 WI.

    oh joy,.. you know the person or persons who are responsible for the sp0
    CD release are reading this... (hello, who ever you are.... yes, should
    have done more to curb previous installs especially since you are only
    allowing the WI.

    ... ;^)
    Paul Salvador, Sep 25, 2003
  5. Per O. Hoel

    Gary Wolfe Guest

    Hello Per,

    I did something similar with one of the pre-release packages and goofed
    things up. The fix that I discovered was to reinstall the pre-release and
    choose the repair option. I then was able to uninstall the pre-release
    completely and then install 2004 sp0.

    Gary Wolfe, Sep 25, 2003
  6. Paul Salvador, Sep 25, 2003
  7. Per O. Hoel

    Jeff N Guest

    You guys act suprised.
    I've learned to "Sit down, shut up. You can do that can't you."
    Jeff N, Sep 25, 2003
  8. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    Thanks for the related solution.

    I have avoided using the Windows Installer for SolidWorks, since I
    prefer the Traditional method. Now with 2004, users are no longer
    given the choice.

    Hopefully, with multiple versions of SolidWorks installed
    side-by-side, the Windows Installer will be able to remove one version
    of the program while leaving the other's files and Registry settings

    In the past I have always deleted program files and Registry settings
    manually, since using the Add/Remove applet in the Windows Control
    Panel would strip so much out of the Registry that the version(s) of
    SolidWorks not selected for uninstallation would no longer function.

    I don't understand why the SolidWorks installation programs have never
    included intelligent and automated (user attended) prompts for the
    proper removal of Beta and/or Pre-Release versions.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Sep 25, 2003
  9. Per O. Hoel

    Nick E. Guest

    Per O. Hoel quipped:
    heh. you funny guy.

    i installed sw2004, then uninstalled my old version, and all my add-ins were
    gone!!! I had to repair my sw2004 installation in order to get even pdf
    printing back!


    -nick e.
    Nick E., Sep 25, 2003
  10. Per O. Hoel

    MM Guest


    I just had to uninstall the CD-WI version of SP0. You have to use the
    "remove" utillity on CD#1. If you use the "add remove" in the control panel
    your machine locks up, at least mine did, causing you to have to power down.
    This results in an incomplete uninstall process that loads when you start
    the machine back up. Fortunately, the "remove" utillity on the CD was able
    to stop the process, and uninstall SW2004.

    I can tell right away that the WI installer is going to make things ten
    times more difficult, and lengthy, than they were with Install Shield.

    Thanks SW

    MM, Sep 25, 2003
  11. Per O. Hoel

    kellnerp Guest

    Although I signed up for the Beta program I never loaded it because of my
    fears (from past experience) of WI on my NT box. I finally upgraded to XP
    and loaded the SP0 version. The only problem so far is that it screwed up
    printing on SW2003 when printing single sheet drawings.

    As far as I am concerned any piece of software that takes over an operating
    system to the extent you are describing without documenting what is
    happening is to be avoided. I am not sure what the benefit to the customer
    is for WI. But as has been said, we have no choice yet.

    As usual Per, you have provided some very useful information that will
    likely get a lot of people/companies out of hot water in the next few
    weeks. Thanks.
    kellnerp, Sep 26, 2003
  12. Per O. Hoel

    Jay Guest

    I think the only reason for the WI is to prevent people from installing the
    software without
    having the disks on hand.

    Jay, Sep 26, 2003
  13. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    I didn't realize that the "remove" utility is provided right on CD#1.
    My prior post just mentioned its availability on the SolidWorks

    While it's certainly good to have the utility supplied on the
    production CD, I have to wonder how anyone launching right into
    installing 2004 (especially during a hectic workday) is supposed to
    know of the utility's existence and to understand how and when it's
    supposed to be used.

    Even if there happened to be some mention of it on the "STOP Read This
    First" sheet, the best way for the user to be advised is through the
    installation software routines which SolidWorks really needs to make
    more comprehensive and complete.

    I often feel as though I'm expected to piece together tidbits of
    information from various locations (printed instructions, CDs,
    website, newsgroup, etc.) in order to be prepared with everything
    needed for a successful installation.

    People are oten unfamiliar, impatient, rushed and/or distracted.

    It's SO easy, for example, to forget to temporarily shut off virus
    scanning during a SolidWorks installation. There are many other
    software programs which prompt the user to do so AUTOMATICALLY during
    setup. This is just one of many things the user should be prompted for
    during the installation of SolidWorks!

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Sep 26, 2003
  14. Per O. Hoel

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    Dear Navy,

    I found that the SW 2004 SP0 disks would not install on our computer (Dell
    360, P4 2.4 GH, XP Pro SP1). We had to copy each CD onto the hard drive
    (C:) into directories Disk1, Disk2, etc. and install from disk 1. Also Sw
    couldn't find all of the CAB files and was forever telling me about it, so I
    finally copied all of the cab files from disks2 & 3(swwi/data) to
    disk1(swwi/data) . It finally loaded with no problems.

    Our IT says that many programs have a problem loading from RWCD's in XP.
    They do this often.

    It's the first time I saw it, but loading from the hard drive fixed the

    Marine Pilot
    Tom Chasteen, Oct 9, 2003
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