Inspection Reports

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Art Garibay, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Art Garibay

    Art Garibay Guest

    Can one extract information from a Solidworks Drawing to create an
    "Inspection Plan & Report" (IP&R) or "Inspection Report"? I'm looking
    to extract dimensions, geo tols and in some cases notes.

    We are looking for a way of automating this task as opposed to
    re-entering data from the drawing onto a MS Word form.

    Any information you give would be appreciated.
    Thank you.


    Note: we are currently using SolidWorks 2004
    Art Garibay, Jun 29, 2004
  2. Just a thought - can you do things in reverse, such as use a design table
    that drives the part, has notes, etc, and can be exported & printed?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 29, 2004
  3. Art Garibay

    Ken Maren Guest

    Yes this can be done. When I was at the last place of employment we
    had this done into a microsoft excel worksheet for less than $2000.
    It also "numbered" all the dimensions for our people in quality to
    match or excel based inspection report. The man that wrote that
    program for us was Bob Hanson. He can be reached at....... I'm not
    sure. But he posts out here from time to time. Hopefully he will
    answer to this post.

    Ken Maren, Jul 1, 2004
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