Insertion point of blocks and attibuts.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Yves, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. Yves

    Yves Guest


    I'm inserting blocks that I created in code, if the Insert point of the
    block is 0,0,0 the atttributs get inserted at the right place.

    But if I create a block with a different insertion point the attributs are
    inserted as if the block was created with 0,0,0.

    How can I get my attributs to be inserted at the right place if my block is
    not created at 0,0,0 for insertion point.

    Yves, Feb 19, 2004
  2. Yves

    egc Guest

    Post the code where you create the block and the attributes. Your issue
    is probably created there.

    egc - Sudden Supernumerary

    Part of todays conversation:
    e: Why aren't the Foundation Notes on the Foundation sheet?
    o: Well we used to have them there, but then the subs wouldn't do what
    the notes said so the building inspector would not signoff on the
    inspection. So we decided to take off the notes.
    egc, Feb 19, 2004
  3. Yves

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Probably not. I can reproduce this consistently. Create a block with
    attributes anywhere in the drawing editor, having an insertion point of
    anything but 0,0. Insert it via the command and give the attributes will insert as expected. Now, in vba (or lisp with ActvieX
    methods) insert that same block and the attributes will be inserted at a
    point equal to the original insertion point selected during the block
    creation process plus the new insertion point.

    For example, new block with 1 attribute created with insertion point of the
    new block & attribute at 100,100. Insert via vba at 100,100. The block
    insertion point will be 100,100, but the attrib. will be placed at 200,200.

    So, the solution is: apply a transformation to the inserts of the
    attrib.ref's based on the blocks origin vs the insertion point.

    Jeff Mishler, Feb 19, 2004
  4. Yves

    Mark Propst Guest

    also a block created anywhere but at 0,0 won't work with trim and extend
    my block routine moves the stuff to be blocked to 0,0 before blocking, just
    to keep acad happy
    Mark Propst, Feb 20, 2004
  5. Yves

    Jeff Mishler Guest


    GRRRR!!!!! I've been trying to figure that one out for about 6 months, and
    it turns out I knew the answer for most of those 6 months......

    Double Grrrrrrr!

    Jeff Mishler, Feb 20, 2004
  6. Yves

    egc Guest

    Well Jeff the orginal poster said he was "creating the block (and I
    assume) attributes in code". I do this all the time but I always have
    started by adding the block to the blocks collection at 0,0,0. I then
    add the attributes based on relative coordinates but since I started at
    0,0, I treat them as absolute (no transformations). These blocks are
    then inserted at wherever the code (or the user) wants them. And,
    surprise, I have never had attributes spinning in space (but maybe I
    have been lucky). What you are "reproducing ... consistently" is what
    the original poster wanted to avoid. You solution (apply a
    transformation) is more work and avoidable.

    egc - Sudden Supernumerary

    Part of todays conversation:
    e: Why aren't the Foundation Notes on the Foundation sheet?
    o: Well we used to have them there, but then the subs wouldn't do what
    the notes said so the building inspector would not signoff on the
    inspection. So we decided to take off the notes.
    egc, Feb 20, 2004
  7. Yves

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    I, too create the blocks & attributes @ 0,0,0. However, the OP specifically
    asked what to do when they weren't:

    "But if I create a block with a different insertion point the attributs are
    inserted as if the block was created with 0,0,0.

    How can I get my attributs to be inserted at the right place if my block is
    not created at 0,0,0 for insertion point."

    I was just answering his question....

    Jeff Mishler, Feb 20, 2004
  8. Yves

    egc Guest

    I guess the real discussion should be that when you add attributes to a
    block, VBA assumes that the coordinates that you supply are "block
    based" or OCS. So your point was to simply make this translation when
    he adds the attributes. Okay.

    egc - Sudden Supernumerary

    Part of todays conversation:
    e: Why aren't the Foundation Notes on the Foundation sheet?
    o: Well we used to have them there, but then the subs wouldn't do what
    the notes said so the building inspector would not signoff on the
    inspection. So we decided to take off the notes.
    egc, Feb 20, 2004
  9. Yves

    Yves Guest

    Here is the code... hope it's not too messy!

    I tried to change the insPt below to the bottom right of my "rectangle" but
    when I do that the attributs are not at the right place.

    How to figure out the corrections to Pttext,

    insPt(0) = 0: insPt(1) = 0: insPt(2) = 0
    'la cartouche (block) n'existe pas
    Set objblock = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(insPt, "Cartouche")
    'cartouche régulière carte 80X100
    pt1(0) = pt2(0) - 130
    pt1(1) = pt2(1) + 75
    Set objTmp = Rectangle(pt1, pt2, "Cartouche")
    'ajoute au block
    ptText(0) = pt1(0) + 3
    ptText(1) = minY + 3.5
    Dim objAttr As AcadAttribute
    For i = 0 To 3
    Set objtext = objblock.AddText(TitreCart(i), ptText, 2.5)
    With objtext
    .Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleLeft
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    ptText(0) = ptText(0) + 25
    Set objAttr = objblock.AddAttribute(2.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "",
    ptText, cartTag(i), cartText(i))
    With objAttr
    .Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleLeft
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    ptText(0) = ptText(0) - 25
    ptText(1) = ptText(1) + 7

    ptText(1) = ptText(1) - 7
    ptText(0) = ptText(0) + 65
    'nom de fichier
    Set objAttr = objblock.AddAttribute(1.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "",
    ptText, "NomFichier", frmCadre.txtNomFichier)
    With objAttr
    .Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleLeft
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    'Dessin de l'échelle
    ptText(0) = maxX - 32.5
    ptText(1) = minY + 3.5
    Dim txtEchelle As String
    txtEchelle = "1 : " & frmCadre.txtScale
    Set objAttr = objblock.AddAttribute(1.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "",
    ptText, "Echelle", txtEchelle)
    With objAttr
    .Alignment = acAlignmentCenter
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    ptText(0) = maxX - 32.5
    ptText(1) = ptText(1) + 3
    'dessine l'échelle
    Call drawScale(ptText, Val(frmCadre.txtScale))
    ptText(1) = minY + 43.8
    ptText(0) = maxX - 65
    Set objAttr = objblock.AddAttribute(5.4, acAttributeModeNormal, "",
    ptText, "Projet", frmCadre.txtProjet)
    With objAttr
    .Alignment = acAlignmentCenter
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    ptText(1) = minY + 34.8
    Set objAttr = objblock.AddAttribute(4.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "",
    ptText, "Titre2", frmCadre.txtTitre)
    With objAttr
    .Alignment = acAlignmentCenter
    .TextAlignmentPoint = ptText
    End With
    'logo Cambior
    ptText(1) = minY + 59.8
    Yves, Feb 20, 2004
  10. Yves

    egc Guest


    If you can repost this with formatting (indentation) and use the "[
    vbcode ][ /vbcode ]" tags for vba formatting it would help my tired
    eyes. You also have some variables being used that aren't initialized
    in the code that you posted, as well as some objects being created but
    not apparently used. So I am not sure what you are doing. Maybe it
    will look clearly tomorrow :)<)

    egc - Sudden Supernumerary

    Part of todays conversation:
    e: Why aren't the Foundation Notes on the Foundation sheet?
    o: Well we used to have them there, but then the subs wouldn't do what
    the notes said so the building inspector would not signoff on the
    inspection. So we decided to take off the notes.
    egc, Feb 21, 2004
  11. Yves

    egc Guest


    Okay. Assume the following:
    Rectangle 100 (width in X) x 80 (height in Y) rectangle
    Block InsertionPoint is at bottom right corner of rectangle
    You have an attribute at each corner of the rectangle

    Public Sub CreateBlock()
    Dim dWidth As Double, dHeight As Double, dPt1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim aBlk As AcadBlock, aAtt As AcadAttribute, aPoly As AcadPolyline,
    sBlkName As String

    dPt1(0) = 0#
    dPt1(1) = 0#
    dPt1(2) = 0#
    dWidth = 100#
    dHeight = 80#

    sBlkName = "MyBlock1"
    On Error GoTo ChgBlkName
    Set aBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(dPt1, sBlkName)
    GoTo Cont
    ' Add Routine to Change Block Name
    On Error GoTo BadBlkName
    Set aBlk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(dPt1, sBlkName)
    ' Set Block attributes such as layer, color, etc.
    GoTo Cont
    MsgBox ("Error in CreateBlock: Unable to Add Block " + sBlkName + "
    to Blocks Collections")
    Exit Sub
    'Add Rectangle as Polyline
    Dim dPts(0 To 11) As Double
    dPts(0) = -dWidth: dPts(1) = 0#: dPts(2) = 0# ' Bottom Left
    dPts(3) = 0#: dPts(4) = 0#: dPts(5) = 0# ' Bottom Right
    dPts(6) = 0#: dPts(7) = dHeight: dPts(8) = 0# ' Top Right
    dPts(9) = -dWidth: dPts(10) = dHeight: dPts(11) = 0# ' Top Left
    Set aPoly = aBlk.AddPolyline(dPts)
    aPoly.Closed = True
    ' Set Polyline attributes such as layer, color, etc.

    'Add Attributes
    dPt1(0) = -dWidth: dPt1(1) = 0#: dPt1(2) = 0#
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(2.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "BL Data",
    dPt1, "BL", "Bottom Left")
    aAtt.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    aAtt.TextAlignmentPoint = dPt1

    dPt1(0) = 0#: dPt1(1) = 0#: dPt1(2) = 0#
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(2.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "BR Data",
    dPt1, "BR", "Bottom Right")
    aAtt.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    aAtt.TextAlignmentPoint = dPt1

    dPt1(0) = 0#: dPt1(1) = dHeight: dPt1(2) = 0#
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(2.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "TR Data",
    dPt1, "TR", "Top Right")
    aAtt.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    aAtt.TextAlignmentPoint = dPt1

    dPt1(0) = -dWidth: dPt1(1) = dHeight: dPt1(2) = 0#
    Set aAtt = aBlk.AddAttribute(2.5, acAttributeModeNormal, "TL Data",
    dPt1, "TL", "Top Left")
    aAtt.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    aAtt.TextAlignmentPoint = dPt1

    ' Insert Block
    dPt1(0) = dPt1(1) = 200#
    dPt1(2) = 0#
    ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock dPt1, sBlkName, 1#, 1#, 1#, 0#

    End Sub

    Most of the hardcoded data could be passed into the sub as arguments.


    egc - Sudden Supernumerary

    Part of todays conversation:
    e: Why aren't the Foundation Notes on the Foundation sheet?
    o: Well we used to have them there, but then the subs wouldn't do what
    the notes said so the building inspector would not signoff on the
    inspection. So we decided to take off the notes.
    egc, Feb 22, 2004
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