Inserting points at intersecting curves macro

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ariel, May 2, 2006.

  1. Ariel

    Ariel Guest

    I need to write a macro that inserts points every time two curves
    intersect to each other.
    As you know, SW is not capable to create a intersection point,
    reference point command, out of two 3D curves (it only works either
    with two straight lines or one straight and one curve...I can not stand
    this limitation by the way!) So if you can help me or you have already
    done this macro I will be highly appreciate it.
    Ariel, May 2, 2006
  2. Ariel

    MM Guest


    What program have you used that does this, and what was the accuracy of this
    system. 3D curves (splines) are approximations so anywhere they intersect
    would be an approximation. Solidworks doesn't handle these inaccuracies very

    MM, May 2, 2006
  3. Ariel

    Mr. Who Guest

    Eek, that sounds hard to me.

    I suppose the user would specify two curves. The macro would then
    probably subdivide the curves into points based on their length. You
    would then compare the sampling points from one curve to the other and
    find out which ones are near eachother. You would then resample the
    curve at the "close" areas to further increase the accuracy until you
    found what you considered "intersecting."

    So it sounds like you need a recursive function and you'll have to deal
    with 3d transforms to find out how far apart points lie based on the
    x,y,z planes. Let us know if you figure out how to do this. MM brings
    up a good point that you will have to specify what is "intersecting"
    because i bet the numbers change around a bit.
    Mr. Who, May 2, 2006
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