Inserting other font styles into AutoCAD 2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Remo-Shiva, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Remo-Shiva

    Remo-Shiva Guest

    Hi All,

    First off Happy New Year!

    I have created a title block for a new client using her logo as a BMP, but
    what I originally wanted to do is insert her logo in as text as there are no
    graphics on her logo. The problem I had, and it's what I need help with, is
    finding the font she used and putting it in an AutoCAD folder (don't know
    which one) so it's usable as normal fonts are within AutoCAD. The font she
    uses is "Kabel Bk BT" and it comes up on MS word so I know I have it on my
    PC, but when I went into the font folder for word it isnt there, in fact
    almost ALL of the fonts were there except this one, I then went on google
    and could find nowhere to download it from. Can anyone help? I need to make
    changes to the logo because the phone numbers and addresses are wrong also
    the quality of the BMP I use for her logo doesnt look right when plotted.

    Also a quick guide as to where to put the fonts and how to get them to work
    in AutoCAD would be VERY helpfull as well. I have AutoCAD 2005 and Word

    Thanks very much in advance for any help
    Remo-Shiva, Jan 7, 2005
  2. Remo-Shiva

    ivana Guest

    happy new year to you too :)

    as for additional font, you should put it into C:\WINDOWS\Fonts folder
    and any program on your PC will use this font 'library'. I use ariall
    font when creating text style in AutoCAD, so I have put it into above
    mentioned destination and it works like a charm.
    ivana, Jan 7, 2005
  3. Remo-Shiva

    Line Design Guest

    Do make sure that the Windows fonts are in the support path of Autocad. Go
    to Tools, then Options, then files and follow support path, and add in the
    Windows font folder.


    Chris Edwards
    Line Design, Jan 8, 2005
  4. Remo-Shiva

    Remo-Shiva Guest

    Thanks guys but its getting hold of the font where I am having problems,
    even though Word recognises the font there is no TTF file for it on my PC
    anywhere, also none on google to download, there are loads of sites that
    come up with kabel in the description but none of them have downloadable
    content, if anyone has this font on their system I would be eternally
    gratefull if you could email it to me on

    Remo-Shiva, Jan 8, 2005
  5. Remo-Shiva

    ivana Guest

    why don't you ask this client of yours to send you this particular font,
    if you can't find it for download?
    ivana, Jan 8, 2005
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